There are many things that I wish never happened to me, or anybody else for that matter. These things have kept me up late at night, curled up in a blanket with tears in my eyes. These things have driven me to such a point of complete destructive pain that I could barely finish my dinner. These things have forced me to deal with consequences that I was ashamed of.
Most importantly, however, these things have made me the person I am today. And as crazy as this sounds, I don't think I will ever regret anything I have done. If I did not struggle and fail, I would not have learned the significance of triumph. Overcoming an obstacle is infinitely more rewarding than succumbing to its difficulty. Even if what you want seems so far out of reach, there will always be a part inside of you that knows how much you can achieve if you just stick to it. But your journey requires more than just a dream; it requires a whole body passion. You have to be willing to consume yourself into this project, and never let go of hope - because hope will, at times, be the only thing that keeps you going. It is up to you to decide if you are ready to make that commitment.
I learned the hard way that nobody is going to hold your hand in this process or tell you what to do next. That is your job. There may be the saying, “Some people know you better than you know yourself,” but this is invalid. If you take a deep look at yourself and truly come to the core of your morals, you will find the things that complete you. You will find things that are expected, while other things may take you by surprise. Life is full of these surprises! Without them, we would not be living in reality.
"So, how do I start my journey?" Well, that is not my question to answer. It's yours. You are responsible for your choices. It may seem intimidating to start a new chapter in your book, but your past has prepared you for what is to come. Every encounter, every victory, every misfortune was put in your way for a reason. Once you realize that someone, somewhere, has a plan for you, then you will finally start to understand the many ways our world works. Everybody is on a journey to find themselves, but only those who are willing to dig deep enough will reach their destination.