Maybe it’s just my family, but I tell my mom and dad that I love them at least once a day. Whenever I’m leaving the house, whether for a few minutes or a few hours, I’ll always make sure I say “I love you.”
It started when I was young. My mom and dad would always tell me they loved me whenever we were leaving one another and sometimes just randomly. It’ll always be something I’ll do unconsciously, but I know I mean it every time.
Whenever I leave someone I love, I make sure to tell them. I don’t want to sound morbid, but you honestly never know if that’ll be the last time you’ll be able to see them or say it to them. Accidents happen all the time, and we’re never fully prepared for them. I always make sure I say it even if we’re not leaving one another on good terms or after an argument. It just makes me feel better knowing that no matter what, I love them and that they know I love them.
I truly believe telling people you love them can make their day and boost relationships. Even on people’s worst days, hearing “I love you” can really have a positive impact, no matter how small. Overall, it can make them happier and more loving people. A reminder of your feelings is always a positive and will remain with the people you love.
I’m not embarrassed to tell people I love them. You shouldn’t be either. So, if you haven’t told the people in your life that you love them recently, you definitely should. Who knows, it may make their day. Sooner or later, it may become a habit, which wouldn’t be a bad thing at all.
To all my loved ones: I love you.