One of the most simple things that one can do is be kind to others. It does not cost a thing and does not hurt anyone. Kindness can not only change others' lives, but it can change your life as well. In a world with so much hate, one of the best things one can do is show kindness to others.
One thing that working with the public has taught me is that if you show kindness to others, there is a 95 percent chance that they will show you kindness in return. The other five percent of the time, someone most likely had a bad day and it sometimes comes off on you.
We do not know what is going on in other people's lives. Everyone has something they are going through. Give someone the warmth of a smile. Ask someone about their day. Treat everyone with the same kindness and make them feel like they are somebody. Forget about the differences between you and other people.
I was having a terrible day last month. My best friend was coming up to visit me for the weekend, and we had the most exciting plans. On the way, she got into a car accident rendering her car unusable and resulting in her parents taking her home. Thankfully she was okay, just shaken up a little. Besides our plans falling through, other things went wrong that day: I had to work late, someone stole my parking place, and on top of that, my phone was dying. I was on the verge of tears. I went to Olive Garden, but instead of a table for two with my best friend, it was a 45 minute wait for table or a seat for one at the bar. At the bar, the waitress was busy and stressed out, however, that did not hinder her ability to show kindness to the customers. Her smile was a comfort to me on such a disappointing day. I left her a big tip and a note that said "I was having a really bad day. Thank you for your comforting smile." Even though this is probably how her personality is every day, she deserved to know that she made a difference in my life.
I encourage you to show kindness to everyone you encounter, no matter who they are. Everyone is fighting a battle that you do not know about. You could make a difference in their life, even with just a smile. As hard as it is, try not to let unkind people get to you. There is something going on in their life that caused them to act like that, but by showing kindness to them, you have the opportunity to influence their lives.
Take Selena Gomez's advice and "kill 'em with kindness!"