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The Home Stretch


By: Robyn Rodi 

Now that spring break is over and done, we all have a little over a month left in this whirlwind of a school year. 

If you are a freshman, graduating, or even the in-between underclassman, this month can be a bit hectic for every college student here at Clemson. The livin’ easy of SBK14 is over and reality strikes again. 

Stress can overcome and ruin the happiest of days, so here are some things to help you keep the positive vibes and rid the stressors from your every day life!

Don't procrastinate. Easier said than done, trust me. I am a habitual offender of procrastination. You have an online homework due this Friday? Instead of that mid-Tuesday afternoon nap, take that precious hour of time to finish your homework, instead of making sacrifices Friday day and night to get it done and being rushed to turn it in at 11:58 pm. Don't let small problems grow into bigger ones. With that paper due next week and having a full hamper of laundry, do not stress it. Do a little bit of your paper every day, even if it is one paragraph or even a slight change to your thesis, and tidy up your room to remove cluster. A messy room easily can translate to a messy life, and sometimes you reach a point of no return- trust me, check out my dorm room. 

Live in today rather than yesterday or tomorrow. You were not prepared for that English 215 quiz yesterday? Oh well. Move on. There is nothing you can do now but be prepared for the next. And now you are stressed about your Biochemistry lab tomorrow?  Take a deep breath and focus on what needs to be done in that moment of time and begin to prepare, rather than how hard the practical is going to be.

Take a minute to breathe. There is always something worse that can happen, and taking a moment out of our busy days can turn the “oh em gee worst day ever #stressed” into the “I am so thankful for the little things #blessed”. 

Do not lose sight of why you do all that you do. Having a vision of your goals and aspirations can motivate you in the most stressful times, and since there is a little over a month left in this semester, we are all about to be thrown a lot to wrap up this school year. Wake up each morning with a goal, no matter how big or small; from promising yourself you will take that walk to the post office to pick up the card your grandma sent you three weeks ago, or submitting your application to the summer internship you have been dreaming of… Just remember, tomorrow is a new day and we are in the home stretch!

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