I’m different from you in so many ways. I see things differently, especially when it comes to family. There's never much going on at the home-front. Its always been that way. I hear about you guys wishing you were an only child too, and it makes me jealous even if you make it sound like a nightmare.
I never had someone looking out for me, or someone to look out for. I was all on my own, having to figure out how to interact with my peers in a way that is good for me. It took a while for me to figure it out, but I did. Some of you helped me figure that out, and I’m glad you stayed beside me even when I was a mess from it. You didn’t have to deal with it, but you did and I’m most thankful for you because you did. Regardless of the distance from my hometown, you single-handedly gave me the friendships I thought I was missing out on by being an only child.
Everyone who met me after that wasn't there to see how awkward I was. I was shy and reserved, you guys probably have a hard time imagining that. By the time I met you, I had things figured out. Being at college with all of you made the best year of my life, however, when I got back to my hometown, reality struck me.
I was lonely again. At college, I always have you guys around. But in my hometown, I have no one. I have some friends in reasonable distances, but no one I can run to all the time. And it’s because of my way of thinking until I had you guys. The friends I had in my hometown lost touch for a reason, and frankly, I’m not upset about it. They didn’t give me enough of a chance to learn how to be social in the way to keep friends. That’s why I’m always thankful for you being around.
I love spending time with your family because they’re a lot more fun than mine. Watching you fight with your siblings is entertaining even if I should back you up. I get jealous when you have so much fun on family vacations because you always have someone to hang with other than your parents. When I go on family vacations, it's just me following my parents around without much conversation. Also when I see siblings playing, it's like they get to travel with their friends and I’m stuck with old people.
Not having a built in friend at my house was especially tough when I went through tough times at home. I had to face everything alone but always had you to help me through it later. But I’m glad I experienced that for two reasons:
- I don’t have to worry about someone pressing their ear to the door and giggling while I’m getting yelled at.
- It made me strong
Whenever I have a conflict with a friend, I know how to deal with because I’ve gotten so used to starting conversations that are hard to start. I feel that it helped our friend group and I’m glad I was helpful in that way. I’ll always have that to offer as well as letting you vicariously live my life as an only child. Because I know how much you wished you had that life.
As much as I get lonely and dislike being an only child, I know it has its perks. Like appreciating my friends as much as I do. I know I keep saying it, but it's because I can’t say it enough.
You showed me everything I missed out on by not having siblings, and from that, I learned some important life lessons that I will always remember. So thank you, you’re the best, I’m gonna keep saying it until you tell me to stop.