Have you ever thought about how everything you have ever said or done has affected someone on this earth in some way, shape, or form in either a negative or a positive way? Have you ever pondered the idea that every single person you know has a certain image of you when your name pops up in a conversation? I have, and I think the extent our impact can reach is both incredible, and incredibly undermined.
Whenever we say or do things, we don’t always take into account the impact our voices and actions will have on the rest of the world. I am someone who is all for being who you are no matter what and not caring what other people think of you, but I’m also someone who wants to use my time in the world, being distinctively myself, but still helping others in any way possible to create a happier life for themselves. In a way, those two ideas seem to contradict each other. One might think, “how can I say my mind and do as I please if I’m worried about what other people might think?” Another might think about everything they say and do, trying to find the best possible way to get their opinions across without stepping on toes. To be quite honest, I haven’t found the perfect balance between being completely myself and still being aware of my own impact. However, I think that balance is crucial to discover in life.
This world, at times, can be harsh in telling us what we need to do to fit in, what we need to say, who we need to befriend, what we need to wear, and what we need to do or believe in. Because of this, society is full of many like-minded individuals who all think they know what life is all about. Truthfully, I don’t think there is a rule for this life that everyone needs to follow, but I think everyone was given their opportunity to live for a purpose, and I don’t think any two people have the same destiny to fulfill. I believe that we all have a perfect, but unique recipe for our own lives, and spending time trying to “fit in” is kind of a waste. We all have different personalities, backgrounds, life goals, and stories, and attempting to fit into the cookie-cutter that is society undermines all of the talent, potential, and experience we have within us already. We don’t have much time here, so we deserve to be wholly ourselves for every second that we can be.
With that being said, I think it is also important to realize when our being individual affects someone else’s quality of life. Being someone who speaks their mind doesn’t need to turn into being someone who types out harsh words on a computer screen to make another person despise themselves for something they might not be able to control. Being someone who is focused on bettering themselves and being successful in life doesn’t need to turn into being someone who cuts out parts of themselves that care for others. Being someone who has strict morals and values for living their own life doesn’t need to turn into being someone who passes judgments toward others based on nothing but preconceived notions. When being ourselves, I believe we can still be good people.
We can develop empathy and understanding, so that we aren’t so quick to pass judgement on others we know nothing about, and we can balance our time for success with our time for love and support of those who are closest to us. We can give and be generous, we can be full of love even on our worst days. Being ourselves doesn’t mean we aren’t able to see the way our individuality impacts the rest of reality. With every action, comes a reaction, and with every interaction we have ever had, people have been affected.
I think it’s important to try and leave people happier than we found them, because that will make us happier as well.