The Dos And Don'ts Of Freshman Year | The Odyssey Online
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The Dos And Don'ts Of Freshman Year

The Dos And Don'ts Of Freshman Year

Welcome to your freshman year of college. You've packed up your bags, said goodbye to your parents and high school friends, and are officially on your own. Freshman year of college is, hands down, one of the best years of your life. You will have lots of laughs, and equally as many tears (mostly during finals week), but overall, it will be an unforgettable year. So here are a few dos and don'ts to make sure your freshman year goes smoothly.

DO invest in a steamer.

Dorm life is hectic. There's no room for an iron and using a straightening iron doesn't always work ... trust me. You can buy a steamer for around $10. Get one unless you prefer the wrinkled look.

DON'T eat Ramen Noodles.

Are they delicious? Yes. Are they cheap? Yes. Are they loaded with sodium and will go straight to your thighs? YES. Now if you aren't worried about the freshman 15, noodle on.

DO get involved!

Greek life, intramural sports, clubs, volunteer work: get involved!!! Seriously, college isn't just about going to school and partying. There is a lot that your campus has to offer!

DON'T skip class.

If you aren't a morning person, DON'T schedule 8 AM classes. I know what you're thinking, "I got up early for high school, I can do it in college." WRONG. If you are a heavy sleeper or not a morning person altogether, guess what: your mom is not there to drag you out of bed anymore. Welcome to the real world, kid.

DO go on Spring Break.

IT IS the best week of college and the best time you'll ever have. Get your friends, book a condo, and head down to the beach. It's one of the most important parts of your freshman year. You don't want to miss out!

DON'T eat out everyday.

One of the hardest things in college is eating healthily. Not only will eating fast food three times a day send you on your way to the freshman 15, but will quickly drain your checking account as well.

DON'T take more hours than you can handle.

If you're planning on being in a sorority, playing a sport, getting a job, and having a social life, I wouldn't suggest taking too many hours! Adjusting from high school to college can be overwhelming enough, so only take as many classes as suggested.

DO be open to new things.

No, I'm not talking about illegal drugs or vandalizing the school. I mean be open to new people, new cultures. There will be people at your school from all over. People who have been raised differently than you and people with different ways of thinking. College is about finding yourself and being openminded to other ideas. Find out who you are, what you believe, and who you want to be.

Lastly, DON'T be scared.

College is great, it really, really is. Have fun! Say no to drugs. Say YES to adventures, and try to study a little bit. These will be the best four years of your life; cherish them.

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