The Dog Days Of College by Alex Serrano | The Odyssey Online
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The Dog Days Of College by Alex Serrano


Animal lovers, unite. Admit it. If you’re anything like me, you have recently spent over an hour on Petfinder looking up the cutest cats and dogs in the Fayetteville area.    Animal lovers, unite. Admit it. If you’re anything like me, you have recently spent over an hour on Petfinder looking up the cutest cats and dogs in the Fayetteville area. You may have casually strolled into the animal shelter only to walk out with a new friend and a whole lot of responsibility. Who can blame us? Pets are basically living stuffed animals who want to cuddle and love you 24/7. Not to mention, they make a great addition to your Instagram photos and an even greater addition to your family. 
Despite all the fuzzy feelings that come with owning a pet, people need to realize they are a huge responsibility. Owning a pet is no small task and a lot of students forget that. I know three people who’ve had to give away their beloved furry friend because of money, time management or, worse, an angry parent. Here are some questions you need to ask yourself before buying a pet.
If I can’t even get up for my 9:30 a.m. class every other day, can I get up even earlier to walk my dog? I mean, really, people. The answer is obvious. Who doesn’t love having a cat paw at their face at the crack of dawn each morning or hear it meowing for hours on end until you give it attention and want to rip your ears off. Make sure you’re willing to sacrifice some extra sleep time in order to make sure your pet is happy! 
Will I have the time to train and take care of it? There’s nothing like coming home to a puppy who completely destroyed everything in sight (paired with a really, really angry landlord). It takes about two to three months to fully train a puppy, so make sure you’re committed before you take on this challenge. If you’re willing to take it on, make sure you schedule your class and work hours accordingly so you can be there for your new friend. 
Can I afford it? Do you eat Ramen for dinner on the daily? Do you shamefully make a trip to the nearest Coinstar every so often? Do you stretch $15 in ways you never thought possible? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, don’t get a pet. Vet costs alone can be $100 dollars on top of food, grooming and other supplies. The expenses can add up fast. 
Do I have enough space for a pet? Puppies and kittens, as we are well aware by now, have a lot of energy. Make sure they have enough room in your apartment or home to be comfortable. Research the local dog parks nearby and try to find some trails to walk your dog. They need exercise just as much as you do. 
What about life after college? Having a pet isn’t a temporary thing. Dogs and cats will, most likely, be a constant in your life for the next 15 years, so make sure that you will have a lifestyle that accommodates your pet. After all, they deserve it just as much as you do! 
Despite all the difficulties and challenges that come with being a pet owner, there really are some great experiences that also come with come having a pet. There’s no better feeling than coming home after failing a test and having someone who loves you unconditionally when you cry. You have a built in friend no matter what. They’ll never date your ex-boyfriend and never stab you in the back. 
So the next time you walk into a shelter, make sure you know what you’re getting yourself into before you make the decision of a lifetime!

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