July 17th, 2015.
Earlier this evening I made my way up to the mission house's rooftop. I could see the whole city of Guatemala. On the West horizon, lightning storms struck beautifully and treacherously. On the East horizon, I could see mountains and the clouds circling around them. In front of me sat Guatemala City. As I sat on the ledge of the roof, an urge grew within me; I had the urge to write, given that the scenery was so beautiful. But when I grabbed my notebook, I watched my tears meet the blank pages. My burdening sadness and heavy heart no longer seemed as poetic as once before.
Had I continued to remain alone upon that rooftop, there would not have been any positive possible outcome. I was greeted by the sound of shuffling feet that were journeying up the stairwell to the rooftop.
"Are you doing okay, my friend?" An intriguing boy asked after reading my body language. With one question, he opened all the doors within my heart that I had locked shut. Once I began talking about my well being, I couldn't stop. He genuinely wanted to know. It led to me telling stories, experiences, and views on/about mental health, high school, music genres, friendships, traveling, religion, and future goals. Indeed, tears were shed on my behalf. I shed tears over the highs and lows in my life. I shared poems I had written during all different times in my life. He asked about Lucas, my dear friend that had passed, because he wanted to know more about Lucas. I figured my eulogy to Lucas was the best fit to answer most questions. With tears in his eyes, he claimed, "He sounds like he was an angel on Earth."
As the night went on, I grew tired. I went from sitting to lying on the rooftop. As I observed the night sky, he shared his music taste with me. He recommended songs to me, of any and all genres. Which was very personal, because songs tell stories and relate to individuals for specific reasons.
During the middle of a slow, thought-provoking song, he assured me, "If you're ever not feeling okay, reach out to me. Let me know. Okay?" My only reaction was to hug him and cry.
Once 4 AM rolled around, I decided it was best for both of us to head back to our rooms. I had spilled all my emotions, and was delirious from the emotional release.
I looked up at him, waiting fro him to meet my gaze. When our eyes met, I said,
"I'm so glad I met you. Thank you for everything. Sleep well." I parted with a big hug and confident smile.
To the boy who accompanied me on a rooftop in Guatemala, thank you. Thank you for not leaving me alone with my darkening thoughts. Your selfless actions prevented me from making selfish actions.