When Jane found out she carries the BRCA gene. | The Odyssey Online
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6 Times 'The Bold Type' Tackled Real-Life Issues

They're undeniably bold.

6 Times 'The Bold Type' Tackled Real-Life Issues

The fresh, millennial TV show "The Bold Type" is known to cover a wide-range of cultural issues that society faces today. Relationships, coming out to friends and coworkers, women and fertility, obstacles in the workplace, and tackling sexual harassment are all topics that have been thoroughly covered in this exciting and completely original storyline.

Each character must undertake obstacles, and here are a few wholesome examples.

When Sutton put her job above her relationship with Richard.


"It's a gamble. All of it. But I'm putting my money down on my career and believing that love will fall in place." – Sutton

She's a powerhouse, and through the trials of "The Bold Type" Season 2, Sutton feared her relationship with Richard, an HR employee for Stafford, the company that runs Scarlet, is going to jeopardize her future as a fashion designer at the magazine. In the end, she chose her career over Richard, and while she felt heartbroken over her decision, she knew it was what she had to do, in order to progress her career at Scarlet.

When Jane found out she carries the BRCA gene.


After losing her mom to breast cancer, Jane decides it's best she get tested for the gene mutation called BRCA. Well, she gets tested, and it comes out positive. Jane must quickly come to terms with her future fertility arrangements, and it becomes a lot to unpack for her, as she is only in her early 20s. However, she takes charge of her health and decides that she will be freezing her eggs to ensure her ability to have kids in the future, but another problem arises. The company that runs Scarlet doesn't have an insurance plan that covers medical visits for fertility issues. Jane is inflamed, so she turns her thoughts into words, writing a piece for Scarlet, discussing the unfairness between the company not offering fertility coverage, but instead, impotence, or Viagra coverage.

At the start of Season 3, which aired April 10, 2019, we see that her article worked, and we begin to witness Jane and the start of her egg-freezing process unravel.

When Kat tackled social norms.


Through navigating her first gay relationship with Adena to becoming the head of social media at Scarlet, Kat has shown she has what it takes to overcome obstacles and stand up for what she believes in. Although she is still working to find her true self, Kat never hides her feelings, but instead shows people that opening up about what they're going through is the best way to recover. Just recently, in Season 3, Kat opens up to her social media fans, sharing her story about her break up with Adena and how she is not always okay, and that's okay.

When Jacqueline spoke up about her sexual harassment experience.


The queen of Scarlet, Jacqueline, is the definition of strong. In an episode which reveals the weight that sexual harassment victims carry brings up a lot of unfortunate memories for Jacqueline, being a sexual harassment survivor herself. After holding back for far too long, Jacqueline opens up to the three women of "The Bold Type," and as the song "Quiet" plays in the background, the four women stand in solidarity, allowing Jacqueline to lay down the weight she's been carrying all throughout her career. It's an amazing episode, and it allows viewers to see a totally different side to Jacqueline, a woman who carries herself with complete resilience.

When Sutton realized she doesn’t have to give up her relationship, in order to do what she loves.


In the finale of Season 2, we were able to see Sutton and Richard finally reunite, as they decide that fighting for their relationship is the right thing to do. They rekindle their relationship, and not only do they make their relationship exclusive, Sutton decides to move in with Richard, which is huge for Sutton, and her long-time roommate Jane.

I think the most beautiful thing about Sutton getting back together with Richard is that she finally realized she is a remarkably- talented fashion designer, and no relationship is going to jeopardize that fact. Season 3 just began, so we'll see how Sutton and Richard's relationship continues to progress, or what issues may arise with them being exclusive.

The three dominant best friends never giving up on themselves or one another.


Finally, "The Bold Type" wouldn't be possible without the beautiful friendship behind Kat, Sutton, and Jane. They fight, they disagree, but they never choose to give up on one another, and that's such a special bond to have. They lift each other up, whether it's Jane freezing her eggs, Sutton moving in with Richard, or Kat getting over her relationship with Adena, the women of "The Bold Type" never back down.

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