It emphasizes positive representation of different races, religions and the LGBT community. | The Odyssey Online
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4 Reasons Why You NEED To Turn Off Gossip Girl And Start Watching The Bold Type

After all, many are calling this show the "Sex And The City" of our generation.

4 Reasons Why You NEED To Turn Off Gossip Girl And Start Watching The Bold Type

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College ladies (and men!) across the country, it's time to turn off Gossip Girl and start tuning into The Bold Type. The show is absolutely perfect for our generation as we embark on the journey of finding ourselves and our future careers—and doesn't the Serena and Blair drama get a little old after a while? If you're looking for a refreshing show to binge-watch this summer, The Bold Type is definitely for you and here's why.

It’s totally about female empowerment.


The show follows three best friends as they start their careers in the magazine industry—one being a writer, the other a social media strategist, and the other following her dreams in the fashion industry. All of them are just starting out in their careers, and it's the perfect show for all college girls to watch.

The three girls lift each other up and encourage them to follow their dreams—which is SO MUCH different than Gossip Girl where Serena and Blair are constantly putting down one another. (Plus, after watching this show, you'll totally want to find your own Jane, Sutton, and Kat instead of the Serena to your Blair!)

Not only that, but the show also features the women making huge waves in their industries even when the odds are stacked against them—evincing the idea that you can do anything you set your mind to.

It goes against the stereotypical mean-boss tropes consistently seen on television.


Ever see a TV show where the boss absolutely just has no heart and does not care about the workers at all? I know I've seen too many! The female boss (yes, ANOTHER example of female empowerment!) is the perfect #GIRLBOSS for us all to look up to. She cares about everyone that works for her company and it's definitely refreshing to see that on television.

It emphasizes positive representation of different races, religions and the LGBT community.


The cast of this show is truly so diverse and when have you ever seen a Muslim lesbian on television before?! Not only that, but this show follows Kat as she learns to embrace her sexuality and who she is—something that is so huge for our generation today. (Also, I can guarantee Kadena will become your favorite couple on this show!)

4. It’s not afraid to confront both taboo and serious issues in our society today.


As the vast majority of the characters in this show work for a magazine similar to Cosmopolitan, the characters are able to touch on serious issues through magazines, photo shoots, and more.

Between evincing the (typically considered taboo) topic of a women's sex life in a positive way, shining light on the effects of online harassment, spreading awareness of the meaning behind the hijab and how some Americans view it in a negative light, and many more, The Bold Type is talking about issues other shows simply aren't talking about.

If you're looking for a refreshing, new show to binge-watch this summer, The Bold Type certainly is the show for you! The first season is up on Hulu, OnDemand, and and the second season starts on Tuesday, June 12th, 2018 at 8 P.M. with a two-hour season premiere.

So, grab your best friends, some champagne, and get ready for the show of the summer!

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