I've spent the last week in the sorority equivalent of boot camp: cheering and singing and smiling and learning how to get the new class of girls to fall in love with the sorority that welcomed me home a little less than a year ago. And even though the recruitment process is scary and people will tell you a thousand different things, here is a collection of the best advice I received--and am now passing on to you--about the recruitment process.
1. Go into it with an open mind.
No matter where you are, there are going to be people trying to tell you about the "types" of sororities at your school--what the sorority is known for, what the girls are like, what their individual experiences with other sororities have been. But you may have a totally different experience than another girl did or does, and that's OK! If you go into this process hoping to find the "top" sorority, you're going to wind up very disappointed. Let the process work.
2. Fake it until you make it.
I am a classic introvert, so tackling the recruitment process was incredibly daunting for me. But if you go into every house with this mentality--no matter how nervous, uncomfortable, scared or intimidated you are--then it will make every conversation go by much easier. Plaster a smile on your face, try and find points of interest, and you will make it out just fine.
3. Talk about what matters: the sorority.
The reason you're going through this whole process is to find the group of girls with whom you belong, so that's what you need to talk about: the sorority at hand. Your Pi Chi/Rho Gamma will probably already tell you this, but there are certain things you avoid, like booze and boys and politics. Ask them about their philanthropy, show interest in their specific tenants, make impressions upon their specific sorority.
4. Pick outfits that don't show sweat.
It is going to be hot. No matter what your weather app says, no matter if it feels OK when you're outside for five minutes, after you spend the entire day in the sun, it is going to be hot, so be prepared. Make sure your dresses don't show sweat and keep a stock of coffee filters in your purse to blot the sweat without ruining your makeup. They are lifesavers. Also, when you're picking your dresses, make sure to go more on the conservative end of the spectrum.
5. Clean up your social media.
Even if your Instagram/Twitter are private, people will still be able to find your pictures, I guarantee it. If you wouldn't want your mother or grandmother to see it, it probably shouldn't be up there. Put your best face forward in every facet; you don't want sororities getting a bad impression before they've even met you based off a random Instagram post.
6. Comfortable shoes are important.
You're going to be on your feet all day long, and your feet will hate you by the end of it. I wore horrible wedges when I went through recruitment and was in excruciating pain the entire day. But also, try bringing flip-flops with you to keep outside the houses so you can change when you're walking. Your feet will thank you.
7. Have fun and enjoy the process.
It might be hard sometimes--but ultimately, it's going to be worth it. Make the best impression you can, make yourself memorable, and just let yourself have some fun. You may not get the bid you thought you wanted in the beginning, but trust the process and you will wind up where you belong.
Comment if you have any more questions, or if anyone can add anything else!