A good part of my days are spent in the restroom. It's not only my quiet time, but it's also my time where I question: Should the toilet paper roll over or under? From this point on, you're probably going to think I'm an absolute goober for being more concerned with which way the toilet paper should roll instead of who should be our next president. But this is the age old question since the invention of the TP.
The TP was invented so that we didn't have to use the same rag to wipe ourselves every time we make an uh-oh. If you think about it, most of us make sure that the TP rolls over without even knowing that we do it. But what about those people who put it on backwards? Do they live their life the same way? I mean are you that misguided that you show zero concern for which way your toilet paper rolls? Or am I looking too far into this?
Whatever, I'm going to dive deeper. When you're TP-ing someone's house, you're obviously going to make your roll unravel over, rather than under, right? Of course, you are! Because if you threw it the other way, it wouldn't unravel and you'd just be throwing a roll of TP for no reason. And just so everyone knows, I am in no way encouraging TP-ing anyone's house. I was just using that as an example.
What kind of heathen makes it so their toilet paper rolls under? And don't even get me started on those people who leave their toilet paper sitting next to the toilet or on the tank, or don't even. Were you raised by wolves? You don't deserve a bathroom. In fact, you don't even get a port-a-potty, because Lord knows you wouldn't even have the decency to leave a new roll. You know what? I'm done with you. Go back to your caveman style of living.
Now I turn to you all, my beloved readers. Which way should the toilet paper roll? Does it go over or under? My father, like myself, agrees that it should always roll over and should he see a roll that is under, he makes it a point to correct it. Go to your bathrooms right now. Go ahead, I'll wait...
Did you check? Which way does it roll? If it rolls under, just know that you're wrong and I hate you. Debate with your friends, which way should the toilet paper actually roll? If you do it the correct way, shame the other person into knowing that they're misguided and need to change. Don't actually do that; that's mean. But seriously, let me know what you think.