Do you consider yourself to be a coffee snob? Did you know the average American spends about $1,100 on coffee each year, according to a 2016 study by the investment app Acorn? Another shocking fact is people from New York drink seven times more coffee than other cities in the United States! These facts reveal how people are growing more dependent on coffee. With this in mind there are many types of coffee drinkers you have encountered in your life. You may be surprised out which coffee drinker you are. Here are 9 types of coffee drinkers you know or are in your life:
The "morning" person
One thing you should know about these coffee drinkers is to not talk to them before they consumed their caffeine for the day. This coffee drinker claims to be a morning person but the reality is that they need coffee to wake them up or else they will be cranky.
TheĀ " I only drink iced coffees"
Whether it be warm or even below freezing, these people should call themselves the iced coffee loyalists. For them a coffee should be cool and refreshing and should not burn their tongue. They usually experience judgemental people who question their addiction to iced coffee in cold weather.
The black coffee drinker
People who consume coffee without any milk or sugar can definitely handle how strong caffeine is. These sorts of people are typically described as bland to some people.
The coffee elitist
These people you encounter are most likely the barista you get your coffee from. They know anything and everything about the art of coffee and how to make a good beverage. When someone gives misleading or false information on coffee these are the people who correct that person.
The coffee addict
These coffee drinkers have an addiction with coffee. They usually back up their addiction with coffee with stating the multiple health benefits of coffee such as how it burns fat and makes you stronger. You can see them ordering coffee two or more times per day and it is most likely that the barista serving them knows their name and order.
The decaf drinker
You may love the taste of coffee but are not a fan of the caffeine which means you drink decaf coffee. These individuals are typically grounded and easy going who don't mind taking naps with their decaffeinated beverage who enjoys to rest.
The healthy coffee drinker
If you or a person must have the daily dose of caffeine but do not want to pollute their body, you take care of your health. They may only order coffee every other day. The milk must be organic such as soy milk, almond milk and organic milk. They ask how many calories a coffee beverage is and they really care about what goes into their body.
The 'coffee lover'
These types of coffee drinkers may like the idea of coffee, but they must have a lot of milk and sugar in their coffee. Cappuccinos, iced lattes, and frapuccinos and anything that looks like a milkshake. A simple drip of coffee with the drink full of milk, whipped cream and syrup is what a typical beverage will look like.