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I See London, I See France


The Undie Classic is a mile long run in your underwear to help collect clothes for Goodwill stores in the Central Florida area.As I grew up watching comedy classics, such as Animal House, American Pie, and Van Wilder, I couldn't wait for the day to come when I could pack my bags, move out and start the next four years of my life in college. What is closer to a man's heart than beer, blondes and football season? On top of that, who wouldn't want to go party every night and hit the pool everyday as we get our first taste of living life completely ignorant of reality; I know I wanted to. 
As I continued to watch the Hollywood version of what college life entailed, one tradition that always stood out to me as a staple in almost every college flick, has been the naked mile. Of course, that tends to be frowned upon by the University higher ups, but it hasn't stopped millions of college students from keeping it off their bucket lists. Fortunately for the students of UCF, Sigma Nu has devised the next best thing and it's even for a worthy cause. 
This year the gentlemen of Sigma Nu will be presenting the 5th annual Undie Classic, a mile long trek across campus wearing nothing but your running shoes and favorite pair of undergarments. 
The primary goal of the Undie Classic is to collect donations for Goodwill stores across Central Florida in a way that is both unique and memorable for all UCF students. Previous years have included live DJ's, blow up slides and mid-race stations. Over the past four years, Sigma Nu has collected over 5,000 pounds of clothes benefitting thousands of families in our community. This year's goal is to collect over 2,000 pounds and exceed attendance of the previous classic. 
The Undie Classic takes place April 18 and is open to any and all UCF students as long as a valid UCF I.D. is presented on the day of the race. Admission to this fun-filled event is completely free, but the goal of the run is to collect clothes for the community. For those unsure about partaking in this event, underwear is preferred, but not mandatory. The Undie Classic looks to create an atmosphere that is fun and memorable, not one that takes students out of their comfort zone, so any dress code is acceptable (as long as you're not in your birthday suit). 
The event is on April 18 at 6 p.m. It will start and finish at Lake Claire. Admission is free of charge. All Sigma Nu asks is that you bring a valid UCF I.D. and clothes to donate. Lastly, underwear is preferred, not mandatory. 
Get creative, bring friends, and don't miss your chance to experience UCF's newest tradition, The Undie Classic. 

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