The 10 Types of Friends You Make In College | The Odyssey Online
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The 10 Types of Friends You Make In College

For better or for worse.

The 10 Types of Friends You Make In College
Photo credit: Brittany Bayne

When you finally settle into your dorm on the first day of school, you have the next four years stretched out in front of you. You're thinking to yourself that you're all alone and you better make friends with someone besides you're creepy roommate who eats her own hair. But remember, the friends you make on the first day might be the friends you have sitting next to you at graduation; maybe not. Have no fear, there is plenty of time to make friends and getting involved is the best way to do it.

1. The Mom

I know I'm the mom in my group of friends. We're the ones that (sometimes begrudgingly) listen to all your problems, cook you food when you;re drunk at two in the morning, and kick the butts of anyone that crosses you. We are the unsung heroes of the college world. I mean without us, who would drive all the housemates to the grocery store before a big storm or bake cupcakes with on lazy weekends?

2. The Logical One

There's always that one. You know, the one with the impressive major and the enviable study ethic? We should all be grateful for that one, the one who talks us out of stealing street signs and let's us do things we're going to regret, just so that we learn a lesson. Thank you, lone soldier.

3. The One Most Likely To Marry A Frat Star

I guess it depends on the school you go to, but at Rutgers, there is always that one friend that hops from frat house to frat house, serially date a brother here and there. But thank those ladies, because they can get you in any party, even if it's guest list only.

4. The One Who's Always Drinking

5. The One Everyone Loves

There always has to be that one, because without that one, we would have no hope that there is nothing beautiful and perfect in this world.

6. The Charming One Who Is Secretly Psychotic

Think modern-day Greek Mythological Sirens

7. The One That Disappears During Breaks

You're always receiving those "I miss you!!!" texts, but when it comes time to make plans, they vanish.

8. Jenna: The Out-Of-State One

The one who asks a million questions about the state and doesn't have any idea what you're talking about three times out of five. They just sit there and nod and say strange things that the in-staters don't understand. But we love them anyway.

9. The Commuter

If you have a house, you better be ready to share. Be kind, they'd much rather crash on your couch than in their car. Also, they might bring you snacks and goodies for your graciousness.

10. Your Floormates

You might not have much in common, but you're going to be spending a lot of time with them. So you better get used to the invasion of privacy and the late night gossip sessions and sleepovers. They're your people.

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