Let's preface this with a disclaimer: I am anxious about nearly everything. However, nothing makes my anxiety worse than packing. It's a logistical puzzle: you want to maximize your options while minimizing your space, and somehow, you end up with a spreadsheet, four open suitcases for one week, and every item of clothing you own strewn all over your room. Here are the steps that every anxious packer knows to be true:
1. "Okay, I can do this. How much do you need for seven days?"
See, no reason to be anxious. I can do this. I can do this.
2. "I need like, two pairs of jeans, seven tops, and some shoes. Easy!"
Okay, maybe a little more than that. Only a little, though.
3. "Wait, let me check the weather.
So if it is going to be sunny on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. And it's going to be cool on Thursday. And rain on Friday."
It's fine. I'm up for a challenge. Packing for all types of weather in one week? No problem.
4. "So I need some shorts and tops for the first half of the week, a cardigan and pants for Thursday, and an...umbrella for Friday?
A rain jacket? Maybe I just won't go outside that day."
Yeah... that seems like the logical choice to make. I'll just plan my activities wisely.
5. "What if I go somewhere nice?
A skirt? But if it's cold outside, then maybe a skirt... and tights? But I also definitely need casual clothing too."
How about I just wear pajamas all week? That solves all the problems. Nobody can judge my outfits if I just stay in bed.
6. "Oh crap, I forgot about shoes.
I need boots for the jeans, a cute pair of flats, some flip-flops, some shoes for the gym or for walking, and maybe... rain boots?"
A pair of shoes for every day of the week! Also, if I bring sneakers home, I'll be more motivated to work out. Summer bod, here I come.
7. "How could I forget about underwear?
And bras? I definitely need a black one for that shirt and a nude one for that shirt...and a strapless! And sports bras. I also need socks.. some boot socks and some that can go with sneakers."
Remember when I thought this was going to be easy? Why is being a girl so difficult?
8. "This is so stressful.
I can't fit all this in one bag. I have the solution... two bags!"
Why didn't I think of this sooner? This solves everything!
9. "Okay, so I have four pairs of pants...
...12 tops, six pairs of shoes, three shorts, two skirts, five sweaters, and couple pairs of pajamas all in two suitcases! And a backpack. And my purse, of course."
That's a good amount for a week, right? I did my best. That's what matters.
10. "I forgot about accessories... makeup... toiletries...snacks... maybe I should just stay home."
This is clearly making me too anxious.