We all had that teacher, you know that teacher. The teacher that was more than just an educator for the curriculum, the teacher that in some way meant so much more and impacted your life. So to “that” teacher, the teacher who made high school not only bearable, but also enjoyable, thank you.
Dear Teacher,
I was like every other student. I walked into high school already dreading having to sit through numerous amount of lectures and I kind-of sort-of already hated you (sorry).
Yes, at times the material you so graciously made me learn almost killed my inner being, your class was still my favorite (the class was my favorite, not you). That was mainly because in there, with you as the teacher, I was able to be myself. I was able to learn in an environment that was not as intimidating as the rest, but that allowed me to joke and talk about more than what was in the textbook.
Coming into college, you were right, I did miss you (did I just say that?) as I quickly realized that this was a total different ballgame. But I remembered the simple things that you did not mean to teach me, and I remembered the things you did for me. In other words, I did not forget you.
So, teacher, thank you for teaching this now, semi-successful college student how to realize that I had a purpose. It was those days that I could care less about school that you proved to be just how important it was. When you were just as excited as I was about college acceptances and scholarships, it proved, to me, that you knew i had a purpose.
You taught me to believe in myself. Everyone has those doubts and worries, but you were always there to assure me that I could do whatever I set my mind to.You even assured me that I could do the things that I did not want to set my mind to, but that would benefit me in the long run.
Thank you for allowing me to see you as a teacher and friend. It is not every day that a student has “a vote on the other side.” Also, it is not everyday that you get to have a relationship with someone who has already accomplished your aspirations.
Thank you for seeing more in me than I saw in myself. There were times that you saw through my smile and knew what to say. I do not know how, but all I can say is thanks.
Thank you for caring. You not only cared about how much I knew about the subject, you cared about how much I knew about myself. You cared about how much I knew about what I was headed for. Thank you for that.
Lastly, thank you for being a teacher because you had a passion for it, not for the money or praise. Thank you for following your heart and doing what you knew you were supposed to do. Because you did that, because you blocked out all negativitly, it showed me that I could do the same.
You, somehow, someway, impacted my life.
I now know what kind of teacher I strive to be.
One like you.
Sincerely, Your favorite student (even though you will not admit it)