Thanksgiving Break As Told By A College Student | The Odyssey Online
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Thanksgiving Break As Told By A College Student


Thanksgiving Break As Told By A College Student

Ah, Thanksgiving Break has arrived!!! You know what this means right? The best 5 to 7 days of your life (for this semester). Please enjoy this and soak it all up. Because when we get back, there are only a few weeks and final exams to survive. Then it’s back to the family for even more holiday break! So what do us college kids do on break? Well, let me tell ya.

Not even just Thanksgiving dinner, everything that your family makes at home is what you've been missing out on for months on end!

1. Eat good

Not even just Thanksgiving dinner, everything that your family makes at home is what you've been missing out on for months on end!

2. Sleep, a lot

Oh my gosh, I can't stop thinking about all of these days that I'll get to sleep in until noon if I want to. No alarms, no class; hell yeah.

3. Make memories with the family

This is my favorite part, because you have your family at school, but family at home doesn't beat anything!

4. See high school friends

No matter how many you have, it's always nice to see the old gang again!

5. Watch way too much Netflix

No judgments will be made, you binge watch booboo, go ahead.

6. Go shopping with money we don’t have

Unless your family is the clutch type and gives you money on holidays like these for no reason. Otherwise, just dip into your student loans. What's a few more hundred bucks?!

7. Put off any and all schoolwork

Guess what I did with my last weekend before break? Got ahead in all of my work so this does not happen. Unless I forget about something, then I'll slave away on it later.

8. Turkey Trot

The evil 5k that takes place early Thanksgiving morning. And the even more evil family members that convince you to register. Rewards like pie are waiting after the race, though.

9. Car is packed to go home, got enough clothes for three months.

This is so me I can't even explain it any further than this picture. I blame Pennsylvania for being 70 degrees one day, and snowing the next.

10. Family asking questions you don’t want to answer

Usually the typical question of who you're currently seeing pops up, and I'm just like SWERVE.

11. Trying to put up with your siblings like

Ha, yeah they're all annoying.

12. That one thing on the table that nobody likes

Baked beans, ew.

13. Mom doing my laundry

YES, momma coming in clutch with your talent to separate my darks and my lights. Because you know I won't be doing that at school.

14. Coming back from break like

"Sweatpants are all that fits me right now..."

Happy Thanksgiving Y'all! (bet it'll be lit)

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