Freshman year would not have been the same without you. You have impacted my life so much in such a short period of time, and I can't thank you enough for that. As we get ready to start a new year, my anticipation grows to see you all again and to make even more memories. I have also grown anxious from the unknown. We all have changed so much over the summer, some spent the summer working, others traveled, and some won't be returning next week. Before we head into this next adventure, I wanted to let you know how much I truly appreciate what all you have done for me, so thank you.
Thank you for all that you did for me; thank you for always being my study buddies, even though we weren’t in the same class 90% of the time. Thank you for never letting me forget to call home, and for always listening to my pointless stories about my dog. Thank you for shamelessly eating a whole pack of Oreos and smothering them in peanut butter and marshmallow fluff with me. Thank you for always being down for a movie night, knowing that we would just talk through the whole thing. Thank you for always helping me decide which shoes to wear and for never commenting on my day three messy bun. Thank you for driving an hour to get the best donuts with me at one o'clock in the morning. Thank you for all of the random dance parties with the worst dance moves. Thank you for always screen-shotting my ugly snapchats, but never sending them to my crush even when you threatened. Thank you for never letting me go to the cafeteria alone, even if you had already eaten. Thank you for making the long drive for spring break totally worth it.Thank you for being my cheerleaders, no matter what I was doing.
Thank you for all that you taught me; thank you for teaching me that I don't have to pretend to be someone that I am not to fit in. Thank you for teaching me that it's okay to eat ice cream on waffles, and not only on Wednesdays. Thank you for teaching me how to play footsketball, and that I don't have to have the best hand-eye coordination in order to be a baller. Thank you for showing me that it is possible to make fun out of nothing. More than that, though, thank you for teaching me how to live my life to the fullest.
Thank you for always being there for me. Through the break ups, the breakdowns and everything in between. You made my freshman year one to remember and I can never thank you all enough for that. I would not be where I am now without you guys, even when we didn't see eye to eye (which was on me 90% of the time) you still showed me, endless love. Thank you for everything, and I cannot wait to start the sophomore year with you guys.