Life is scary! Life is the most horrifying thing you will ever experience. Living is often the leading cause of death. It can be absolutely terrifying to know that things can change in an instant. Is everything going to be okay? Well, in short, yeah. Everything is going to be OK. It’s hard to know exactly what the outcome of a situation will be and it’s so easy to get caught in your head, contemplating the worst possibility over and over. It’s easy to get down, it’s easy to become lost and it’s just difficult to exist sometimes. Life is a collection of moments that you will either remember forever or quickly forget. One of the largest contributing factors to this is the amount of pleasure or discomfort you experience throughout your life. Some things can either be so amazing and breathtaking that you will never forget them. Other things may be so awful to relive in your mind, that you can’t help but think about them. It is so important to know this about the way you feel and the things you remember. If it's important enough for you to remember, it's important overall.
Life is very much a bittersweet thing. Some memories are so wonderful and seemingly perfect, that they can bring you simple joys just by thinking of them. That’s amazing. It is truly so beautiful to know that some things can make you so happy that just the mere thought of them can alter your mood and bring positivity to life. However, it is just as beautiful to understand pain. To know that you have been through some pretty rough times in your life and made plenty of mistakes. It is extraordinary that we get to experience all of these complex emotions. It’s artistically and aesthetically poetic knowing that we can feel things so deeply.
Right now, I know things might be bad. I know that what’s on the horizon might seem rough. No matter the outcome though, I promise it will all be OK. You have carried yourself so far and lived a gorgeous life that’s been all yours. You’ve gotten to experience so many things; good and bad. You have grown and learned so many things. Whatever happens you will be OK. You have had the courage and strength to continue living, even at times when you just felt like ending it all together. You are amazing. You’re a living, breathing miracle. You are beautiful beyond words.
Yeah, life is scary. You never know what’s going to happen next, but I really do promise as long as you realize that you are exactly where you need to be, and you feel what you really want in your heart, everything will be amazing. As long as you know and believe in yourself and your ability to alter any situation, you can. You can do anything you want to. No matter what happens in your life next, you will be OK. It might be amazing or it could be treacherous, but what’s important to remember is life is full of unexpected things. Life is incredible and you are lucky enough to experience it. You get to live for you and make your own memories. Anything could change at any moment, but honestly, that’s what life's about. Don’t take ‘now’ for granted, and try not to fear for the future -- learn from the past. You get to live for now and that is an incredible thing. Take a deep breath and tell yourself, “I’m OK.”