You were like the first bite of a
new food, soon to become my favorite.
So exotic and savory,
the flavor danced on my tongue.
I craved my daily fix,
as if it were a drug, and I was
willing to suffer through
the withdrawal until given my immediate bliss
of satisfaction that seemed to
be sweeter than before.
But like all seasonings,
the taste fades and I began to taste
your bitterness, like
sugarless coffee on a Monday morning
-A rude awakening-
One I hated having, but felt guilty
dumping down the kitchen drain.
By Tuesday morning, you're more like
spoiled milk and you're starting to
make me feel sick.
And by the end of the week, you're
just stale bread - the kind that gets stuck
between your teeth when you
question its expiration.
I'm sorry I second guessed my gut.