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23 Black Friday 2019 Deals Every Target Enthusiast NEEDS To Know About

There's no better day for a Target run.

23 Black Friday 2019 Deals Every Target Enthusiast NEEDS To Know About

Target knows how to do Black Friday right, and this year's doorbusters are no exception! The store has officially released it's 2019 Black Friday ad, and it includes some MAJOR deals and steals.

The items below are just a few of the must-have items Target is marking down, so be sure to hit up your local store for the sale. Doors will open at 5 p.m. Thursday, close at 1 a.m., and reopen Friday at 7 a.m.

1. Google Home Mini: $19

Regularly $49.

3. iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro Max, iPhoneXS Max, or iPhone XS: Buy 1, Get $200 Back

Get a $200 Target gift card with the activation of any of these new iPhones.

4. Fujifilm Instax Mini 9 Camera: $49.99 + Get $15 Back

Get a $15 Target gift card with your purchase.

Regularly $69.99

5. Select Vinyl Records: $15

Regularly $16.99 - $34.99

Titles include: The Beatles - "Abbey Road," Billie Eilish - "When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?," Ariana Grande - "Thank U Next," Nirvana - "MTV Unplugged In New York," "The Lion King Original Motion Picture Soundtrack," Taylor Swift - "Lover," Amy Winehouse - "Back to Black," Khalid - "Free Spirit," and Stranger Things - "Stranger Things Season 3 Soundtrack"

6. 23andMe Health + Ancestry Kit: $99.99

Regularly $199.99

8. Select Women’s Sweaters: $10

Regularly $15 - $19.99

9. Beats Solo3 Wireless Headphones: $129.99

Regularly $299.99

11. Samsung Galaxy S10, S10+, or Note10+: Buy 1, Get $400 Back

Get a $400 Target GiftCard with the activation of any of these new iPhones.

12. All Books: Buy 2, Get 1 Free

14. Women’s and Men’s Boots: $15

Regularly $24.99 - $39.99

15. Women’s Sleep Sets: $10

Special Black Friday Item

16. GoPro HERO8 Black Bundle: $349.99

Regularly $449.99

18. Select Women’s Accessories: $15

Regularly $15 - $20

20. All College and Pro Team Licensed Products: Buy 1, Get 1 50 Percent Off

22. Men’s and Women’s Graphic Tees: $8

Regularly $9.99 - $12.99

23. All Cosmetic, Beauty and Personal Care Gift Sets: 30 Percent Off

Odyssey may earn a portion of purchases made via links on this page.

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