Do you remember how you first learned to walk? (Well probably not. Bad opener. Well... actually, hang with me for a sec.)
Perhaps you've seen a video of your first steps or your parents told you about it. It was probably awkward and you might have looked like those cartoon Weebles during the whole experience. Your mom was tearfully calling you toward her, and Dad was looking like his favorite football team just scored the winning touchdown. Those steps were monumental.
It's interesting to me that our first steps and our last seem to get the most recognition. What about all of those steps in between?
My point is short and simple for this post, because I'm only musing that the answer to the question I pose is not.
When we were tiny infants, we knew we could walk without ever having taken a step before. Why do we doubt that we can put one foot in front of the other- now?
Sometimes I wish the scene could be duplicated: a whole team of cheering supporters praising the fact that your feet hit the floor today. That your toes followed your heels, and you made it out the door.
I wonder could we still celebrate those steps? Or have they lost their meaning and become merely an expectation?