Love and Hip Hop Atlanta: True Friendships
Do you tell your friends the truth?
Friends can have the best intentions in the world, but when do friends overstep their boundaries? I've been following the drama on Love and Hip Hop Atlanta.
I think that Tokyo Vanity's story is an example of a common challenge that friendships face. Tokyo Vanity is concerned about her health, and a friend wants to strongly encourage her to change her eating diet. Tokyo Vanity doesn't want to stop eating the foods that she loves and crave, so that's where the beef started.
Have you ever tried to get a friend to change something about himself or herself to help that person? Be it a man or woman that your friend should give up, an addiction, have you tried to get your friend to see the light and change for the better? If you've tried get a person to change his or her mind, you know that it's an uphill battle.
Oftentimes, people we love just don't want to hear what you have to say or they can't see what you see. You might have to even decide if you want to keep the friendship and support your friend no matter what or if you are going to have to end the friendship. Although I am all for helping a friend and staying loyal to my friends, I also know that people impact each other. It can be difficult to keep your friend's issues from having a negative impact on your own life. It can also be heartbreaking, but necessary to constantly pick up the pieces when or if your friend "falls apart."
I truly believe that a good friend tries her best to help and protect her friend. That's what friendship is all about. A good friend would tell the good, bad, and the ugly. We say, that friends "keep it real" with you. So, a friend speaks up and speaks his or her mind. However, that goes both ways. Friends need to be able to take what they hear from their friend, consider it, and understand that a true friend (not a fake friend) really wants the best for you.