Dear Freshman Year, These Are The 6 Things I Miss About You
As a sophomore now, every once and a while I'm reminded of the little things I miss about being a freshman.
Freshman year was a year filled with so many new experiences and opportunities. I met new people, learned so many things, and got to experience life on my own for the first time. I have so many great memories from freshman year that I am so grateful for and will forever cherish. As a sophomore now, every once and a while I'm reminded of the things I miss about being a freshman. Being the new kids on campus as freshmen, we got to learn everything about the college lifestyle and what would become the best few years of our lives. Don't get me wrong, I love sophomore year, but something about freshman year just can't be beat.
1. My friends lived so close to me
Living in the freshmen dorms is the best because your best friends and all the shenanigans revolving around them are either a few doors down the hall or a few floors above you. All you don't have to go far at all to hang out with your best friends, whereas no you have a good walk across campus. One of my best friends ended up being on the floor above me and was just two flights of stairs away.
2. I got to experience so many things for the first time
Orientation, moving into the dorms, living on your own, college classes, and so many more exciting things. You learn and grow so much throughout the beginning of freshman year that changes turns you into the thriving independent version of yourself.
3. My freshman year roommate was also one of my best friends
My freshman year roommate truly became one of my best friends. What started out two random girls from Minnesota deciding to share a shoebox size room together turned into us being best friends still to this day. I have so many memories of the two of us from freshman year that I will forever cherish.
4. Using the "I'm a freshman" excuse
As a freshman, everything is new to you, which allows you to make the "I'm a freshman" excuse. Don't know where a building or classroom is, don't worry about asking because you can just blame it on the fact that you're a freshman and are still figuring the campus out. The rest of us upperclassmen get lost and don't get to use the same luxury.
5. My shoebox of a dorm
What starts out like a room so small you don't know how you can live in it for 9 months, turns into your home away from home. My roommate and I made it our cozy little shoebox that I do miss every once and a while. Every time I pass our dorm I look up to our old room to get a little glimpse of the old room.
6. Looking forward to 3 more years
As a freshman, I always looked forward to being able to spend 3 more years on this campus as a Badger. As I get older, I realize that my time on this campus is slipping away which breaks my heart a little. I miss looking forward into the time I have left as a Badger and seeing so much time left.