Old Souls May Not Be Hip, But We Are Unique
There is hope for my fellow old souls - there are more of us than we think!
As long as I can remember, people have told me I act like a grandma, or simply that I am a grandma. From bodily issues to interests and more, I truly do emulate the nature of what I would call an "old soul." Now, I might still be in my early 20s, but I have always related to older people much better than I do with people my own age. I'm not quite sure why that it — my best guess is that's just how God made me!
Being an old soul isn't a bad thing, but it can be difficult to navigate sometimes because I don't have much, if anything, in common with my peers. If you also consider yourself an old soul, you know what I'm talking about. I've written a few other articles about not fitting into a specific generation and about belonging. So, how have I fit in when I feel so out of place all the time?
I find similar people and hang on to them.
I don't necessarily cling to these people but stay close because I feel fulfilled when I'm around them. Being around people who are my age don't typically fill me up. Instead, I end up feeling drained and confused as to why I can't relate. However, when I spend time with people who are either older or who also have an old soul, I feel refreshed...well, as refreshed as an introvert can be after being around people.
Dating was also a challenge because I never really hit it off with anyone in college. But when I found an older guy (my now-fiance) online, I knew we were meant for each other. It took a lot of testing the waters, so to speak, but it was worth it to wait for the man who understood me and could match the age of my soul.
There is hope for my fellow old souls - there are more of us than we think!
For the longest time, I thought I was the only one, that no one else understood the way I felt. But the more I've searched, I've found people whose souls are just as if not older than mine. Take some time to get to know people and give them a chance - you never know where it will lead.
Now, I still have friends who aren't old souls, and that's okay. If they can accept me as I am, then I can most certainly accept them as they are. That's the beauty of this life: if we listen to each other and see each other for who we are, the world could be such a better place. So what if I feel and act like I'm 70 years old? So what if my coworker feels and acts like he's 10 years old? We are all unique and have so much to offer the world. How boring would it be if we were all the same?
As cheesy as it sounds, God made each one of us be special with different gifts and abilities. Find your purpose and live it out.