No More Stranger Danger
Hey, start spreading love and speaking your mind! We all start off as strangers.
Other strangers that are on street
So many we pass and never meet
Mama always said do not talk to strangers
Strangers are the ones who put us in danger
Not even recognizing the stranger in the mirror after it all
We can barely fake a smile in this war zone we are attending called Cinderella's ball
Unsuspected people commit these petty theft crimes
But it is all out of desperation of looking like a dime
But we never really do look at the deeper reason
So do not judge until you ask others about their season
What about the crippling weather that makes your mind barricade words
From the swift and scary winds do you draw out your sword
Do you raise all hell fighting or just lie being eaten by the wolves
In today's society, do not bother trying seeing what "back in my day" solves
Times have changed and will never be the same
It is suddenly all about playing these games
Maybe if we were nicer to the strangers on the street
There would be this possibility of our hearts skipping a beat
Isn't all everybody wants to fall in love
To fall in love, we have to get up and feed the doves
No more worrying about how you are seen
Make a difference in the way of being open with your heart, so gleaming
Do not focus on the makeup of a dime, instead give out your extra dimes
Perhaps these simple changes will lead to less crimes
Stand tall and speak your mind
There is no need to keep your words in a bind
Do the right thing because your Mama told you that too
Do not forget that you are a stranger to many people too