Oh, college.
I was always told it would be hard, but fun.
There are plenty amazing things I have experienced in my first year alone, but absolutely nothing could have prepared me for sylly week. You never really know what to expect; some professors do nothing and simply read through the syllabus (I guess we didn't learn how to read in elementary, middle, or high school), while some throw the syllabus at you and kick-start the learning.
If you're new to this whole "college" thing or you've experienced more school than you'd like to admit, here's a compilation of How I Met Your Mother moments that describe sylly week (a.k.a. the most unpredictable week of the semester).
1. You'll be surprised the questions some people ask.
While there is no such thing as a stupid question, when the professor says to "check the syllabus before asking questions", do it. The 300 plus people around you don't want to hear the same questions three times.
Trust me, you don't want to miss ANYTHING. Your syllabus will have everything on it from important dates to the absence policy. Don't forget to check the grading scale!
3. You have 6 exams for one class and two of them are in the same week?
It happens. Remember to breathe.
4. Walking into class and seeing friends like...
Sitting by yourself in a full lecture hall isn't a good feeling. You feel invisible and kind of like you don't matter. But when you have friends in that class? Magic happens.
5. Summer break was long, but it's time to turn your brain back on.
It isn't as easy as you think going from staring at a TV screen to writing 3 papers and taking 2 online tests in one day. (And for the record, Ted, professor has one 'F').
6. Someone is bound to take your seat if you don't get to class early enough.
Yesterday you got to class early and secured the perfect seat. Today you rolled in late and the seat was taken. Hold in that fury, because you can get it tomorrow.
7. 8 am classes...
There is nothing worse on the planet than waking up for an 8 am class. If you don't have to take them, seriously don't. You'll figure that out during sylly week.
8. As chill as your first week can be, you know it eventually has to end.
You're never going to be ready for all of your classes to jump you at once, but you'd better steel yourself now. The semester will be over before you know it.
As I sit here writing this I am reading through my syllabuses (syllabi?). What better way to describe the upcoming week than with How I Met Your Mother?