Survival Tips And Tricks To Keep You Safe In Any Emergency
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Survival Tips And Tricks To Keep You Safe In Any Emergency

Check out over 30 suggestions on how to stay safe and prepare for unexpected situations!

Survival Tips And Tricks To Keep You Safe In Any Emergency
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

It's never too early to prepare for unexpected situations, emergencies, and disasters. Here are some tips to give you insight on what to do in various situations. From walking alone to facing troubles in nature, there are many different topics touched upon in this article. Hopefully you will never need to use these tips and tricks. If you end up in any of these situations, at least you will have some insight and will be prepared. Happy reading!

What should you do to stay safe when walking alone?

  • Stay alert, and be aware of your surroundings. Do not put your headphones in both ears when walking alone as you will be less likely to hear people coming up behind you. Also, do not be too absorbed in your cell phone while walking. This could make you an easy target.
  • Carry products with you for protection. For instance, you can purchase a personal self-defense alarm that can connect to your keychain or be held easily in your hand. If someone tries to attack you, all you need to do is pull the string and an alarm will blare getting people's attention. You can also purchase pepper spray or an electric taser to carry with you in case of a threat. There are many different options available for purchase.
  • Many people recommend that you hold your keys between your knuckles so it can be a weapon if need be.
  • Take a self-defense class to learn how to defend yourself.
  • Dress appropriately. It is best to wear clothes that are not restricting in case of an emergency.
  • If something looks suspicious, take a different route or change your plans. It's better to be safe than sorry. More so, if you tend to walk alone consistently, take different paths to get to your desired destination. This way, it is not too predictable.
  • If something doesn't feel right, trust your gut instinct.

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What should you do to be safe when going out on the weekend?

  • Before you get in an Uber or head out for the night, text someone your plans for the night. This way, someone else knows what should be going on and is looking out for you.
  • Before getting in a car, check the situation out. Make sure the car is the correct model, check the driver's name, and make sure they know yours. Wait for the ride in a safe place that is well-lit and surrounded by people.
  • If you are uncomfortable during a ride, there are many different options you could make. First of all, you could tell the person that your trip is being tracked. You could make a call to a family member or friend. Plus, if you feel extremely uncomfortable, you could call local law enforcement until you know you are safe.
  • If you are not feeling well, do not ride home alone.
  • Bring a phone charger with you in case your phone battery dies.
  • When out, be careful with your drinks. If you left yours unattended, purchase a new one. It only takes a second for someone to tamper with your drink. Also, try to get drinks that are sealed. This way, you know it wasn't tampered with before getting to you.

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What should you do if you encounter car troubles?

  • If your car runs out of gas, do not worry. First, you need to assess the situation and your location. Call someone for help. First, try to reach a friend or family member who could bring some out to you. You could also try looking at your auto insurance's roadside assistance, and 911 should be the last resort.
  • If you blow a tire while driving, slow down slowly by taking your foot off the break. Do not freak out, and maintain a steady grip on the steering wheel. Once the car is slowed down, make sure to apply your parking break and flip on your emergency lights to alert other drivers of the situation. Proceed to change the tire or call for help.
  • If you hydroplane, do NOT slam on your brakes heavily. Also when hydroplaning, do NOT turn the wheel in the opposite direction that you are sliding in.
  • Before taking a trip, check the air pressure in your tires. Also, check the fluids including oil, antifreeze, break fluid, and washer fluid, and power steering fluid (if your vehicle is equipped with it).
  • There are some things you should always have in your car in case of an emergency. Here is a brief list of important materials to have with you: nonperishable snacks, water bottles, blankets, a first aid kit, flashlight, tissues, warm clothes, extra change, extra batteries, tool kits, a paper map, emergency flares, a spare tire, a compass, jumper cables, an umbrella, duct tape, a fire extinguisher, and a reflective vest.

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What should you do if you encounter problems in nature?

  • If you are lost in the woods while hiking, make hydration a priority. Keep drinking fluids, and do not go hiking during peak times of heat. Use a compass to determine the direction you are facing in, and if you are still on a trail, stay on it and look for trail markers.
  • If you are lost in a place with lots of hills, go downhill. Most settlements were formed in valleys or near a water source.
  • There are many ways to make a fire if the normal resources are unavailable. You could light any of the following materials to survive: crayons, alcohol swabs, and corn chips.
  • If you need to make a smoke signal, get the fire going before throwing leafy material on top. Synthetic materials produces dense smoke, as does certain plant materials found in the wilderness.
  • If the ocean water begins to recede, beware because a tsunami could be coming. Try to get as far aware from the coast if this is the case. If you cannot escape, try to get inside and to the top of the highest building with a sturdy base. If you cannot go anywhere, grab onto something tightly and prepare for impact.
  • To escape the grips of a raging current, try to alert people for help. Then, swim parallel to the shore to escape its grasps.
  • When heading out on a hike or to camp, make sure to bring some tinfoil with you. With it, you can make an assortment of meals to avoid hunger.
  • If you encounter a bear, do not make eye contact or sudden movements, like bolting away. Instead, walk away slowly so their instincts aren't triggered. If you carried pepper spray with you on the trip, make sure to have that ready as well because it can save you needed time.
  • When in the wilderness and stranded, build an insulated shelter to stay safe from the elements. Use bark, leaves, bush, and other resources to provide more protection. Do not build your structure on wet ground as it will make it less stable.
  • If you are stranded in the wild, collect rain water to store and drink. It is less likely to be contaminated.

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What should you do if you experience other miscellaneous dangers?

  • If you are in an elevator that starts free falling downward, spread yourself out on the floor to distribute the impact across your body.
  • If you find yourself in a sinking car, roll down or break a window and escape out through it. Do so before you hit the water or as quickly as possible once submerged.
  • If you are stuck in a car trunk, the first thing you should do is try to find the releasee cable. Being in the trunk, you may find some tools in the back that you could later use as a weapon or use to open the door. You can also kick the lights out and signal to others that you need help.
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