By this point in the semester, it should be dawning on you that the semester is already almost halfway through and the reading you “swore” to catch up on has experienced exponential growth. It’s midterms season, which means college students everywhere are probably having the same“oh, f**k” epiphany right about … now. Don’t fret, though. With my list of things you’ll need to survive through midterms season, you’ll get out on the other side unscathed. x
1. Caffeine
I can’t stress this enough, when you’re trying to pull that all-nighter and it comes to be around 3 a.m., caffeine will be your ultimate ride-or-die.
2. A playlist
The right music will completely alter your studying experience for the better. Personalize a playlist just for you so that you don’t have to waste time searching for the perfect song.
3. Snacks
It’s inevitable that you’re going to get hungry. So make sure that you have a wide variety to choose from.
4. Friends
While studying in solitude is great and sometimes necessary, being surrounded by people you like can make the experience that much better.
5. Confidence
You got this.
Good luck guys, I'll see you on the other side.