Today, I am going to teach you how to survive the trials of finals. Every time you think you can't, think again. Just take a deep breath and relax. Things really will be okay. Sleep... yeah, we can sleep next week. Here's how to make it through:
Coffee. Coffee is your friend. It will keep you up until you need to sleep. It is essential if you don't have time to sleep. Soda also works if you don't like coffee. Just get that caffeine however you have to.
Create a study space. You are most effective when you create a space for yourself. It is a way to stay on task. I can't be around people while I study or I get distracted. Go to the library, your dorm or just a quiet place.
Play music. If you are up late and can't keep your eyes open anymore, blast some of your favorite music -- not classical, something like rock or rap. You need something that you can't accidentally fall asleep to. Make sure to blast it loud!
Don't get distracted by Netflix, Facebook or Youtube. I know it's hard, but don't give in. Whenever I do, the moment I give in to looking at one video or post or episode - one episode or video or post turns into hours gone that I could have spent being productive. It sucks, but you have all summer to do those things.
Don't stress out too much and take breaks! I know that finals feel like hell, but you can get through this. Even though it feels like your world is falling apart, you can keep going. Make sure to put your mental health above your grades. Freaking out won't help you, so take time for yourself even though you don't want to. Just don't take too much...