I tend to try to stay away from writing about politics because people are so easily offended, but with such a huge election year, I felt the need to speak up about my views.
As a 21-year-old, this will be the second presidential election that I will have the honor to participate in, and I am just as excited this time, if not more excited, than I was when I went as an 18-year-old. The difference being that, in this election, I strongly followed the politics behind it all and truly developed my own opinions on the candidates before deciding who would get my vote in November.
As a college senior, I’ve never been more excited to vote and I’ve never been more proud of my decision. This year, I’ll vote for Mr. Donald Trump. Yep, that’s right. The Donald has my vote. I can’t wait to hang my TRUMP 2016 sign all over the place. In my yard. In my dorm. Everywhere. I’m not ashamed.
Now, I know there’s probably someone reading this thinking, he’s not a politician. That’s just the thing. He isn’t a politician, and that’s what we need to run this country. Now, let’s take a look at the policy side of things. If we look in the past, Ronald Reagan was a great president and someone who had no political background when he won his presidency. While going that route again could be a gamble, it’s something I’m willing to put my trust into. As a businessman, Trump will look at our country as a company, and that’s something he knows how to run. He knows how to handle money, and that’s something that can really help our country.
With Trump in Office, the American Dream will Live on.
Not everyone can win all the time and currently that’s the belief in the country. We are given ribbons for participating, and it takes away from the true triumphs no matter how large or small. The American Dream is achievable and was fulfilled by Donald Trump himself. In case you didn’t know this, Trump wasn’t always rich; he worked hard for his money.
He’s accomplished.
He’s been a successful CEO for years of many large businesses and knows how to manage money. He’d be great for our economy. He isn’t a politician; he’s simply a businessman who loves America. He thinks along the same lines of our founding fathers and realizes that freedom isn’t free. It came from a gift we can never repay. Many politicians want us to have less freedom so that they can have more power. But that’s not what this nation is about. Trump advocates our freedoms and plans to keep them intact.
Trump is the best choice for this country.
Whether we want to admit it or not, our economy is ruined. It’s so bad that we are on the verge of another great depression. Having a successful businessman in office would turn the economy around and save the nation from such an event. He understands finances and the private sector. He’s what America needs to turn this nation around.
He’s a moderate conservative. Look past his boisterous speeches and really focus on his views. He doesn’t focus on religion. He isn’t focused on the rich or the big businesses. Instead, Trump is placing focus on making America great.
His immigration policy makes sense.
As for the claims of him being racist, he’s not. He’s been known to employ Mexicans, African Americans and whites alike. Don’t forget that. What Trump doesn’t like is the people living illegally in our country. He doesn’t have a problem with legal immigrants. His wife is one. Illegal immigrants aren’t helping America; instead, they are a nightmare. They take advantage of the US by not paying taxes. Donald Trump has a plan and a good one at that. He doesn’t want to ban everyone from the United States; he wants to have them immigrate legally. That’s not too much to ask for.
We live in the land of the free because of the brave. Let’s not forget our roots, and make America great with Trump by our side.