The summertime is a chance for kids to hang out and get away from school, yet as a summer rec leader you still have to provide them with a little structure ... while also having fun. That's when it gets interesting!
1. Craft Time
This is your chance to show off everything you found on Pinterest the last few months. You are super-excited that you have the chance to use all these supplies to help kids create awesome crafts. Then after the first hard craft you remember... they are only kids. It doesn't really do much if you're finishing all of the crafts for the little ones. So, now you get to spend the rest of the summer showing off how you can boondoggle, make friendship bracelets and knot para-cord string. On days you're really feeling daring you may even let them use beads, and then regret it the rest of the summer when you're still finding beads EVERYWHERE!
2. Playing Outside
You plan out every day to make sure they don't get bored playing the same games. Besides, you want to change it up so everyone's talents can shine. This works until the first day you play Capture the Flag. The rest of the summer the kids are asking to play Capture the Flag the second they walk in the door. However, once in a while they see the parachute and remember how much fun other games can be.
3. Field Trips
Whether you're heading on a hiking trip or to an amusement park, the kids will be so excited to go on a trip with all of their friends. In fact, they are SO excited that they will ask you "How much longer?" about 50 million times in a 45-minute bus ride. Oh and don't worry, everyone will be running for a bathroom by the end of the ride because you definitely didn't tell them to go before we left or not to drink all of their giant souvenir cup of pop. On the bright side, you get to go for a trip that you're getting paid for. "You betcha I'll ride that roller coaster with you so you have an even number!"
4. Questions or Comments
There are a million questions and stories that all the kids want to tell you about. This may be one of the best parts of the job. It reminds you that there is never a dull moment in your job. Whether it's a kid wondering when she can be a mom or someone showing you the dance they made up to "Shake it Off," you're bound to go home with a story. When someone asks how work was you always have more than good or bad as an answer!
When the last day of the summer rec finally comes, you may be relieved, but at the same time, a little sad. You now have to go back to working in the real world with adults, and let's face it, sometimes the kids are easier to deal with!