1. Hang out with friends
See some of the old friends that you haven’t seen in a while. Meet up with college friends.
2. Try something new
Do something you’ve been wanting to. Do something different. Cross something off your bucket list.
3. Try a new look
Get your hair cut or do your makeup differently. Maybe even be bold and dye your hair.
4. Go somewhere new
Explore the world, go somewhere you have never been. Explore the world while you’re young and have the time.
5. Watch a new TV show
The time for binge watching has arrived. There is no homework staring you in the face, it’s finally time to binge watch that show that you’ve been meaning to.
6. Get a job
While work is annoying and boring, if you apply for a job you like it will be fun. That way you can meet new people and get some cash while you're at it.
7. Go to the movies
Summer is the time for blockbusters. So go see that movie that you’ve been wanting to since the trailer has been released.
8.Go shopping
Go get some new clothes or a new book. Have some fun at the mall or even a farmer’s market. Go buy something for you or for someone else.
9. Sleep
You’re finally done with finals and it's time to catch up on sleep from all those all nighters.
10. Take a summer class
While you may say, no more classes and studying! Taking a class for fun or to catch up on credits can be good.
11. Have fun!!!!!!
No matter what you do have fun!