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20 Country Songs That Scream Summer

Oh, you don't listen to Country music? Well, this summer playlist will make you love it!

country road

My favorite summer country songs that are great for days at the lake or late nights around the fire.


"And it's sunshine, blue eyes, tan lines, so tight. Rolling white sand, cold can, koozie in my hand, just a summertime strollin'. Chillin', breezin', sippin', singin' woah a oh, oh, Beachin'." -Jake Owen

Good Company

"Got what we need to make good vibes, good times and a damn good memory. We in good company. Yeah, we in good company." -Jake Owen

Body Like A Back Road

"Body like a back road, drivin' with my eyes closed. I know every curve like the back of my hand. Doin' 15 in a 30, I ain't in no hurry. I'ma take it slow just as fast as I can." -Sam Hunt

Somewhere On A Beach

"I'm somewhere on a beach sipping something strong. Got a new girl, she got it going on We drink all day and party all night. I'm way too gone to have you on my mind." -Dierks Bentley

American Country Love Song

"It's playing in the night air through the speakers all night long. Couple kids just living that American country love song." -Jake Owen

Crash And Burn

"It's the sound of teardrops falling down, down. A slamming door and a lesson learned. I let another lover crash and burn." -Thomas Rhett


"I got some good friends that live down the street, got a good looking woman with her arms 'round me. Here in a small town, where it feels like home. I've got everything I need and nothing that I don't. Homegrown." -Zac Brown Band


"Those stars need to be wished on, your skin needs to be kissed on. My eyes, baby, they're fixed on you in your snapback." -Old Dominion

You Broke Up with Me

"But hey, you broke up with me. Yeah, what can I say, babe, you broke up with me." -Walker Hayes

All the Pretty Girls

"I'm home for the summer, shoot out the lights. Don't blow my cover, oh I'm free tonight. I'm coming over, call all your friends. Somebody hold me, all the pretty girls said." -Kenny Chesney

House Party

"We'll have a house party, we don't need nobody. Turn your TV off, break that boombox out We'll wake up all the neighbors til the whole block hates us, and the cops will show up and try to shut us down." -Sam Hunt

Sunshine & Whiskey

"Every time you kiss me it's like sunshine and whiskey." -Frankie Ballard

American Kids

"We were teenage dreamin', front seat leanin'. Baby, come give me a kiss. Put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone. Uptown down home American kids." -Kenny Chesney

Kiss You In The Morning

"I wanna kiss you with the neon lights in your eyes glowing, then I wanna kiss you in the morning. Yeah I wanna kiss you in the morning." -Michael Ray

Star Of The Show

"Cause everywhere we go girl, you're the star of the show and everybody's wondering and wanting to know; what's your name? Who's that girl, with the prettiest smile in the world?" -Thomas Rhett

Heartache On The Dance Floor

"She was a heartache on the dance floor. Yeah, she's moving through my mind. I gotta know her name and I gotta see her again." -Jon Pardi


"Cause she's in love with California and that west coast sunshine dream. These ain't no Hollywoods and these hills ain't Beverly." -Big & Rich


"If I had a dollar every time that I swore you off and a twenty every time that i picked up when you called, and a crisp new Benjamin for when you're here then gone again and a dollar every time I was right about you after all. Boy, I'd be rich." -Maren Morris


"Hey bartender pour 'em hot tonight 'til the party and the music and the truth collide. Bring it 'til his memory fades away, hey bartender." -Lady Antebellum

Chicken Fried

"You know I like my chicken fried, cold beer on a Friday night, a pair of jeans that fit just right and the radio up." -Zac Brown Band

If you have made it this far, here is a link for a Spotify playlist for all these songs. Enjoy:)

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