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10 Summer Cliches That Are SO much Better When Done In The Midwest

The #lakelife is the best life? You betcha.

10 Summer Cliches That Are SO much Better When Done In The Midwest
Ryan Marincic

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There are things that every summer consists of no matter where you are in the world. Every summer, you make your way to a body of water to cool off, find yourself eating more than you work out, and going to any outdoor event possible so you can enjoy the gorgeous weather while it lasts. However, when you do any summer activity in the great region of the Midwest, your activity will automatically be 100 times more fun. Midwesterners know how to turn any summer happening into a memory that will last you a lifetime. Don't believe me? OPE! You better keep reading.

1. Going "up north"

After any work week, whether you work 10 hours or 40 hours a week, an escape to the great up north is always needed. Regardless of where "up north" is for you, there's bound to be a lake, a boat of sorts, and plenty of drinks to be drunk on the said boat.

2. Concerts at outdoor venues

Summerfest in Milwaukee? Lollapalooza in Chicago? Country USA in Oshkosh? SIGN ME UP!

The best way to soak up the sun while listening to some great live music is to go to a summer music festival! Waiting hours on end to see your favorite artists isn't as painful as it sounds when you're surrounded with friends, good food, and plenty of strangers that are willing to hear about your life story.

3. Barbecues

For us Midwesterners, a summer BBQ doesn't happen on JUST the 4th of July. You have family coming into town? Have a barbecue! Waiting for fireworks to start? Have a barbeque! Celebrating the nice weather after having a cold rain spell? HAVE A BARBEQUE!

4. Going to a local fair and eating your way through the grounds.

Going to a fair of any sorts is always bound to have three things; a Ferris wheel, cheese curds, and cream puffs. What more do you need?

5. Going for a scenic walk.

Want to go for a walk? You totally can and can choose what kind of scenery you want to walk through! In the Midwest, you can walk around the lake in your hometown, walk through a busy city, or go to a numerous amount of state parks and go hiking to incredible views.

6. Long car rides with no destination

If you have a boppin' playlist, a fun group of friends, and a little bit of wanderlust, this activity is just for you. You can choose to drive through scenic areas consisting of corn fields, or you can head to the lakefront and drive along the shoreline.

7. Late night custard (NOT ICE CREAM) runs

'Cuz what Concrete Mixer or scoop of the flavor of the day from Culver's doesn't taste amazing at 10 p.m.?

8. Being able to get around and NOT just by car

By all means, take your car to bop around the city. But if you can, catch a trolley, rent a Bublr Bike or a Bird Scooter, take the train, or hop on a ferry to your next destination!

9. People watching

Anywhere you go, whether it be out to your Friday Fish Fry or to a sporting event, the amount of people watching you're able to accomplish is insane. You'll see people in the most questionable outfits, people and children dancing with questionable dance moves, and people just being questionable in general. But no matter how freaky they may be, we welcome you with open arms and a beer in our hands.

10. Good company

I've traveled to many places, and although I may be a bit bias, I do firmly believe that the nicest people live in the Midwest. Strangers passing by on the streets will always wave or smile at you. Strangers are always willing to make friends at the bar and become your best friend SOLEY because of the fact you're both drinking a Summer Shandy. Strangers are always willing to give you a helping hand and hold the door for you when you're walking in behind them.

I guess strangers really don't exist in the Midwest. We're all just acquaintances waiting to become friends.

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