I don't know much, but I do know two things for sure: summer classes are coming, and season 6 of 'Game of Thrones' has now passed us by.
I know what you're wondering... What do those two things have in common?
The answer? Me.
With another round of summer bummers coming around in about a week, I'm sure to never see the light of day until fall term starts back. In essence, for me and many other poor souls out there, winter is already here. However, because of my extensive knowledge of school and this multi-million dollar show, I thought poking a little fun at our mutual misfortune would be better than waiting for the proverbial white-walkers with a frown on our faces. Ergo, I present my list of 15 things you will experience over the course of your summer studies.
1. It's the first day of class. You've accepted your fate and you log into your school's online platform with a glimmer of hope in your eyes. That glimmer of hope is gone after looking at the first syllabus. You're smothered. It's official.
2. You'll lay down to go to sleep only to realize you have an assignment due at 7AM the next morning... And you haven't started it at all...
3. At some point, your friends and family are going to wonder if you're actually trying to work yourself to death.
4. You will write the perfect discussion board, only to find that you hit submit without including any of your sources.
5. The stress of having too much on your plate will get the best of you and you'll try to parkour away from your obligations. (Too bad they'll follow you with just as much vigor as Waif.)
6. When you think you're done with this week's work and can finally rest, but next week's work is already piling up around you.
7. When your friends ask you why adhering to your deadlines is so important. ("It's summer! You shouldn't be inside doing homework!")
8. Trying to find a topic to write your main essay on like:
9. When you finish sending a low-key, sassy reply to someone who obviously didn't read this week just to set them straight:
10. People will ask you why you decided to take classes instead of working. You will scoff at their ignorance inwardly and plainly state:
11. You will forget what a shower is at some point, sulking in the shadows, hoping against hope that no one can see your filth.
12. You'll get a bit irritable too, demanding things left and right. Because no one should sit inside for as long as you have.
13. You'll get on D2L at 11:30 just to check your grades and everyone will trample you trying to finish this week's assignment before midnight. You didn't even see this coming, and now you're caught in the thick of it.
14. Looking at the other people who took summer classes when fall
term rolls around and everyone's whining about how they have to go back
to school:
15. In the end, you'll look back at how far you've come in a mere month and smile proudly at your progress. That's okay though - you should be proud. You're one step closer to having a degree.
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