Home sweet home.
The school year is over and summer break is finally here. As college students leave the campus and head home, many mixed emotions are up in the air about what exactly they plan to do over the summer. Some students were blessed to receive internships while others plan to spend their time working and making some cash. Then there are those who are lost in the sauce without a single clue on what the summer holds for them.
Back in the day when we were all young and free, where we had not a care in the world and summer break was meant to only have fun, now it seems as if it is a break to get our lives together. Working over the summer will result in saving up money for the new school year only to be calling back home three months later for more. Internships can have its pros and cons considering yes it is the next step in adult hood and figuring out what exactly it is you want to do in life then it gives you that lingering thought of, "Wow, my care free days are really over." Many students prior to leaving college received their internships a few months before getting out of school and some of them allow you to work in cities no where near home. Although these are opportunities of a life time and are only meant to benefit you they can be extremely stressful and scary.
As a college student, there is no more "doing nothing" over the summer because time is of the essence. Take on those internships and prepare yourself for the real world after college. Even if you're only a freshmen and you lucked up this year by getting one. The idea of having to work away from home, and supplying your own source of living came a lot faster than expected. Previous years we'd go on summer breaks and plan to spend it with our friends and family, enjoying vacation and the break from school. Now it is sad to think that times like that are slowly coming to an end.
There's a little more freedom when given the chance to stay home and work over the summer. Some have been doing it since they were 16.Those who are about to spend this summer grinding in the work place and saving up their money for school also have their pros and cons. Some of those being the simple fact that you have to be wise on what you spend your money on now. "Yes, those are nice shoes, but are your dorm fees paid?"
Having fun summer breaks are not dead, they are just changing as we grow older into adulthood. Take this time to not only relax and take a break from the stress of school but keep in mind this break is only temporary and shouldn't be taken lightly. Take advantage of the time to make your money, and get the experience if you obtained the internship. Don't let the obstacles of fear and growing up stop you from succeeding.