The summer before sophomore year I have noticed to be very different from the summer before freshman year. You’re back home (probably), working, catching up with old friends, taking a class or two with your local college and maybe even training if you play a sport. You’ve come home a month before the high school has even started final exams so it’s quiet. It’s not quite summer yet. You are no longer living out of your tiny dorm room and you’re no longer walking distance from your closest friends. You’re probably not even driving distance or at least not a quick drive. You’re living with your parents again and siblings and back at your old job (possibly) and all of this in itself is an adjustment.
Now if you’re like me you probably thought coming home would be easy and far from an adjustment. You’ve lived here your entire life, what could there be to adjust to? I am incredibly close with my family so I was very excited to be spending three months with them but I will I had forgotten what it was like to “live under their roof, with their rules.” They aren’t strict by any means but it took me a while to remember to text them when I got places or let them know I was going somewhere. I forgot what it was like to have people who care about me being aware of my every move. I forgot what it was like to have to keep in touch with people throughout the day.
Also, if you’re like me you’re back at your old job from high school but there are so many new employees and maybe even new management that people don’t know you anymore. There are new “regulars” and new co-workers and suddenly you’re the new one. This probably upsets you because hey you have worked there forever and run the place, don’t these people get it? Changes like this can be really hard and frustrating but you must accept them and work with them or you will never be settled in and it will make for one long summer.
For probably the whole month of May I really did not know how I was going to get through this summer without all of my friends from school. It was absolutely wonderful being with my “home friends” again but it was really difficult adjusting to not seeing my school friends every single day. It definitely gave me something to look forward to.
Now these three months have passed and I am headed back to the beloved Fort in less than two weeks. As excited as I am to be back with my friends and my sorority sisters and my team and getting back into my routine I know I will miss home, maybe even more than before. It has been so wonderful being home with my family and it will not be easy to leave them. Freshman year was such a thrill and the summer leading up to it was a rush I’ve never felt before trying to pack and figure out what I need and comprehend the fact that I would be moving out. This summer leading up to sophomore year has been much more calm, cool, and collected and has been a great reminder as to why I love being home so much. I am so happy I could come home for the summer but I am also so excited to start my second year at FGCU. After this time at home, I am ready for another whirlwind.