Summer has officially started and I am unpacking a whole year of my life.
After being away from home for a year, you realize how much you've changed, how many clothes you've outgrown, and how much stuff you have after moving out of your dormitory then moving back home.
I find myself sitting in a pile of memories stuck onto picture frames, pass-downs from my sorority, psychology study guides, and textbooks.
Overall, my junior year of undergrad was very influential. I was able to travel very often throughout the semester to visit family and friends and for fun. I obtained an internship which challenged me to really work independently. Also, after changing my major I had to catch up which forced me to work on my study habits and raise my GPA.
I worked hard this year and I didn't acknowledge that as much as I should have. We are our toughest critics and I am learning every day how to better myself.
Summer is a different time of the year for me. I like to reorganize my reading list, declutter my closet, write more, exercise outside more, and practice a lot of self-care. After reflecting on this year, I have established four main goals I aim to achieve this summer.
1. Save money
This is always a consistent goal for me but I like to continue to update my spending plan so that I can budget for the next six months in order to save money and be more aware of my overall finances.
Success looks like a savings of $1,000.
2. Write MORE
Writing has always been a passion of mine. I love writing. During the year, it is easy to become sidetracked due to papers and studying for school which during that time is the priority for me. But, whether it is an article on the Odyssey, a fluid piece like a book, or a simple thing like a poem, it is my passion. I am excited to dedicate more of my time doing what I love.
Success looks like a completed novel, short stories, creative burst of inspiration, and 5 articles just because.
3. Build my professional network
I know what I want, I know what my long-term goals are. And, I know that there are people in the world who have already accomplished some of the things that I seek to accomplish. By cultivating relationships with those people and spending time around those that I can learn from, I know that I will be happy with the direction of my professional life.
Success here looks like 200 connections on LinkedIn and 5 meetings or shadows with local psychologists.
4. Donate
I want to donate clothes and money this summer. I have a lot of clothes that I do not need and at first, I thought to sell them. As a Christian, it is also important to me to tithe. I have not been consistent with this and struggled to practice enough faith to give 10% of everything I earn. This summer as I live at home, I believe that complemented by a better awareness of my financial position, I can and will make this a consistent habit and action.
Success here looks like 20 articles of clothing given plus 10% of my income given to the church.
These are just a few of my goals I plan to achieve this summer before classes start. Personally, I think it is important that we are aware of our habits and how we are working towards our dreams and the kind of person we want to become. By making goals, whether it's each month, each day, each week, or as each season changes; we can grow substantially.
What are your goals for this summer?
How do you seek to accomplish them in the next 3 months (90 days)?