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13 Things Living And Studying Abroad In Nicosia, Cyprus For A Semester Taught Me

Apple juice is better when it comes in a carton.

13 Things Living And Studying Abroad In Nicosia, Cyprus For A Semester Taught Me
Kayla Brown

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In Fall of 2019, I had the opportunity to study abroad in Nicosia, Cyprus for the semester and it will be forever etched in my mind. There were a lot of ups and downs, but I can honestly say that I learned a lot, including these 13 things:

If you can't draw in one country, you probably won't be able to in another.


I don't have an ounce of artistic ability in my body, so I'm not sure why I thought it was a good idea to take a drawing class in Cyprus.

Island time is real and I don't like it.

If you show up to a 1:30 p.m. class at 1:25 p.m., you're way too early, but if you show up at 1:45 p.m., you'll probably still beat the professor to class.

You can have too much of one food.


Having crepes every week after art class started out as a good idea.

Apple juice is better when it comes in a carton.

I don't know what else to say, it just is.

Talking to your mom every day isn't a bad thing.


I called my mom every single day while I was abroad, not because she made me, but because I wanted to, and that was okay.

Europe has a better Netflix selection.

Big Bang Theory. Suits. Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

Make sure you write your name correctly when buying a plane ticket.


This is especially important if you end up an airport that has electronic(passport scan) check-in.

Never read and drive, even at a stop sign.

You don't need to cause someone to get their 6th concussion.

Don't put too much vodka in your vodka and coke.


Now, I just stay away from the vodka.

The middle seat on a flight isn't always the worst option.

In fact, I had more room in the middle seat than I did in any other seat while I was abroad.

It's always best to pay individually.


That way, everyone pays what they owe, no more, no less.

It's always awkward when you rush to put your money away as the cashier starts ringing up the next person's stuff.

It happens to everyone, and it's always awkward, no matter what country you're in.

It's okay to cry.


During the last week alone, I cried at least 10 times.

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