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Winter Break

13 Things Every College Student Wants To Do During Winter Break INSTEAD Of An Organized Vacation

Here's how you should really use your time.

13 Things Every College Student Wants To Do During Winter Break INSTEAD Of An Organized Vacation

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Winter Break is called Winter Break for a reason. It's a break for students to rest up their bodies and minds, and to simply relax. Some people think of vacation as a way to relax, but not everyone does. Especially for those who don't feel like vacation is a great way to spend break, here are 13 things you probably want to do instead of vacation.

1. Sleep

The semester drains you enough that you're struggling to get out of bed. Especially if you're at a university without a fall break.

2. Play video games

You just want some time to yourself.

3. Watch Netflix

Just like in number two, you want time to yourself, so what is better than to watch your favorite show?

4. Eat

You're going to want to eat since you're finally free of the stress of the semester.

5. Go shopping

You probably won't have time to do this during the school semester.

6. Watch college football 

Not everybody who reads this is necessarily a fan of college football, but bowl season is upon us during winter break.

7. Get into shape

At least for me, I had a tendency to stress-eat so it naturally caused me to gain weight that I wouldn't have gained if I had better self-control. Anyway, you know that you want to get that sexy killer body you've always dreamed of, and you know that to get it, you need to get into shape.

8. Learn a new skill

This could be skiing, snowboarding, or learning something that not everyone necessarily thinks of as a skill. You do you, honey boo-boo.

9. Go on an unorganized vacation

This basically entails going to a place that you didn't think of beforehand and then looking up what to do once you've arrived. Because what you do is completely up to you. Even if this includes spending 10 hours in a hotel every day and doing nothing.

10. Roadtrip

This is an extension of the previous one, where you can feel free to be in charge of where you travel to, but you just drive instead.

11. Bake cookies

While this continues on the concept of eating, baking is fun to do.

12. Cook food in general

You can make new recipes and new dishes however you want to. As long as you don't set the house on fire.

13. Read a new book

There's no better time than now.

The thing is, vacations aren't for everyone. So if you're one of those people, especially a college student, who is less fond of going on an organized vacation, you deserve to have time to yourself since you've been busting your tail. Have some fun however you want to.

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