We are young, bright eyed 20 something-year-olds so excited to fill ourselves with college wisdom. We are on our high horses because we have no rules, we have no bedtimes or parents to text where we are.
Then we get a sharp bitch slap from this thing called life. As if balancing classes and a well-managed diet isn't enough we hear the ominous words of J-O-B and I-N-T-E-R-N-S-H-I-P creeping upon us. When did that happen and when will it stop?
News Flash: That monster has just moved in and is renting a permanent spot in your conscience.
1. What's a resume?
Can a skill be "Good at Googling"? Can my mom vouch for me?
2. Getting torn apart by professionals sharing their insight on how to improve your "self-brand."
AKA get your shit together or you won't get hired anywhere.
3. Where to start? Nobody wants to hire someone with no experience. Yes, well try these websites, they help!
Take advantage of LinkedIn, they post jobs/internships all the time. Make connections and don't be afraid to ask for some help:
Worse comes to worse, Google: (Desired Job) Internships
4. Freaking out because you are realizing you can't wear yoga pants or clubbing clothes to a job interview...
To the mall we go!
5. Second guessing everything and their mother because who knows how many other people are applying for the same thing.
6. Waiting for somebody out there to respond to your desperate attempt to be an adult while you sit and wallow in self-pity.
This is the crucial stage where getting your mind off it will help your sanity.
7. Where do I live? Will I survive if this is not paid? Am I a hobo? Who will do my laundry?
I'm too broke for a maid.
8. Hello, life, yes, I can't face you this week. Can you come back in like, five years?
I won't be adulting today.