The ‘Bernie Bros’ Stereotype Is Racist And Sexist And Needs To Stop
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Your Stereotype Of Bernie Sanders Fans As ‘Bernie Bros’ Is Racist And Sexist, And It's Time To Stop

The "Bernie bro" stereotype erases the women and people of color who support the senator from Vermont — and it's a dishonest smear against the Sanders campaign.

Your Stereotype Of Bernie Sanders Fans As ‘Bernie Bros’ Is Racist And Sexist, And It's Time To Stop

With the Iowa caucuses just days away, we're coming closer and closer to getting a sense of who will win the Democratic nomination this election cycle.

As you may or may not know, I'm seriously considering voting for Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders this year. For me, Bernie is the most consistent, realistic and issue-oriented candidate in this race. He understands that some of the most pressing issues of our time need to be addressed now, and not later.

At the time of this writing, it seems as if Bernie is leading the most recent Iowa polls. One Emerson poll showed him nine points ahead of Joe Biden, and another New York Times poll has him seven points ahead of Pete Buttigieg.

With all of this being said, the Democratic establishment seems to be scared of Bernie surging quite well. Biden and Buttigieg are amping up their attacks, and of course we can't forget Elizabeth Warren's ludicrous attack on Bernie that he allegedly told her that a woman couldn't beat Trump in 2020.

Aside from the candidate-based smearing, it also seems that the old "Bernie bro" stereotype that arose in 2016 is back.

In my view, regardless of your political views or who you're supporting this election cycle, it's time to retire the "Bernie bro" trope, because it's a racist and sexist smear against Bernie's broad coalition of supporters.

Linda Sarsour said it best when addressing this very issue: "Many women of color across the country also find themselves in this trap: We are told our voices matter and our concerns must be amplified, but we simultaneously find ourselves needing to defend our decisions."

And it's not only Sarsour who has to defend herself. When Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar came out and endorsed Bernie, they were constantly scrutinized for why they would support an elderly white man for president.

The answer is that Bernie Sanders is the best candidate in this race for issues that impact people of color the most. People of color, and more importantly women of color, bear the brunt of income inequality more so than any other demographic. It's also not to mention that most people of color are working menial jobs, working sometimes two jobs for low wages. This almost always means that they have no access to decent healthcare.

The fact of the matter is that Bernie Sanders's broad support base is more than just a bunch of white male hippies.

We are people of all races, creeds, sexualities and gender identities all walks of life, united in our struggles. We are more than the narrative that Bernie bros are a group of rabid Internet trolls, made up of white male couch potatoes, that will not give in for our support of the senator.

Moreover, recent data shows that 67% of Bernie supporters would be satisfied with Elizabeth Warren if she were the nominee and 48 percent of his supporters would be satisfied with Joe Biden. It is clear that the notion that Bernie bros are not loyal to the Democrats is incorrect.

The bottom line is, however you feel about Bernie Sanders, let's put the Bernie bros canard to rest.

Let's focus on the issues that Americans are facing, otherwise we will lose the key voting blocs we need to Donald Trump.

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