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Health and Wellness

6 Tips On How To Stay Healthy And Fit During The Holidays

Enjoy the holiday season and fit into your fitness goals.

6 Tips On How To Stay Healthy And Fit During The Holidays

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From now on your schedule will likely be filled with family reunions, traveling and festive outings with all sorts of tempting treats.

The smell of freshly baked Christmas cookies, the bottles of Prosecco lining up in the fridge wall, and the Christmas spirit all over. This can be the most magical time of the year full of temptations that can easily make your waistline expand during the holiday season. Even the most disciplined people fin it difficult to stick to their health and fitness routines.

With a little planning and a whole lot of flexibility, you can maintain your workout program and feel your absolute best. These 6 daily tips will help you not only look festive fit but also you'll feel the more energetic and enjoy the holidays the best way you can.

1. Intensify Your Workouts


Ditch the long workouts and go for a HIIT and full-body blast workout. Slow and steady workout sessions can be time-consuming and hard to fit into your schedule during the holidays. Instead, try high-intensity interval workout two or three days a week. alternate between cardio intervals and bodyweight exercises. Here are a 16-30 minute workouts you can easily do with no equipment and in the comfort of your home.

2. Don't Starve Yourself


The commonest mistake people make at Christmas is trying to starve themselves until you get to any family dinner. Yes, you'll save little calories, but you'll probably be so hungry by the time dinner arrives you'll find yourself eating more than you intended. Instead, opt for a small healthy breakfast, or if you are headed for a late lunch, maybe try a healthy snack to make you feel satisfied until you get to your dinner party.

3. Select Your Treats


Instead of choosing calories that you can have any time of the year, choose something that you can only enjoy and is unique during the holiday season.

4. Control Your Appetite


Stick to reasonably sized portions with plenty of protein and fiber, protein and fiber can help you control your appetite making you fuller for longer and temper the urge to eat whatever is in your way. Also, protein can maintain a healthy weight, make sure to serve some turkey, roasted chicken or other sources of protein can be found in quinoa, lentils, and beans.

5. Wait To Choose Your Selections


When you are in a family reunion one may feel tempted to serve everything on your plate, while this can be possible, wait for all the food to be served on the table before making your selections, when making your choices all at once can make you eat less than serving more each time.

6. Enjoy Yourself


Make sure to stick to realistic diets. Trying to totally restrain yourself during the holidays is an unrealistic goal with the season coming once a year. Enjoy the holiday, but don't let one day turn into a month of indulgence, choose wisely and you'll feel beyond happy during the holiday season.

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