How To Stay Active
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10 Ways To Stay Active This Summer

Looking to add exercise to your everyday life without going to the gym every day?

10 Ways To Stay Active This Summer

As the middle of the summer is approaching, we all may start to feel a little bored with our fitness routine. Hitting the gym every day after work is starting to become miserable. We may also feel like we're slacking on our self-care routines, thanks to being overwhelmed with work or other outside factors. We're trying to find extra time to relax and engage in fun activities with friends and family! Whether you are working full-time, on vacation, or even taking care of kids this summer, there is a way to stay active for everyone! If full-on "working out" at the gym is not for you, there are many ways to add extra cardio into your everyday lifestyle.

Join a beach yoga group

The best way to get involved is by doing something you are passionate about! If you enjoy relaxing workouts that include mindful thinking and stretching, yoga is for you! Additionally, by joining a group, you may even make new friends that will motivate you in the future! Major bonus points: Do beach yoga! If you are spending vacation time in a beach area, most offer morning yoga sessions to start your day! Bring a towel and jump right in! You will have gorgeous views of waves and may even catch some nice sun while doing this summer activity.

Ride a bike to your destination

Riding a bike can open your eyes to the sights around you that you may never have noticed while driving. Biking to an event or to work is a great way to wake up and start your day. It's also great for the environment and saves gas money!

Grab a basket at the grocery store

Whether you are going to the grocery store, farmers market, or even just Target, pick up a basket that you can carry! This will add weight to your arms and you'll be engaging in a mini-workout without even realizing it. Switch arms every ten minutes so that the weight is evenly distributed.

Join a local sightseeing club

Take day trips to new areas! Go for walks and explore new places. There is so much beauty in traveling and discovering new areas.

Invite a friend to walk to a new juice bar

Interested in checking out new trendy juice bars and smoothie shops? Grab a friend and walk there! This way, you're adding in exercise and trying new, healthy options.

Go for a refreshing swim

Swimming in a pool, ocean, lake, or anywhere similar is a great way to have fun while exerting energy. Ever notice when you swim at the beach and are walking back to your umbrella that you're out of breath? This is because the currents were pushing and pulling you. You were swimming and moving without even noticing.

Sign up for a 5K

5Ks come in all shapes and sizes. From color runs to glow parties to haunted ones, there is a 5K for everyone. 5Ks are offered with all different themes, which can make them more exciting and fun to look forward to. Also, you can get a group of friends to sign up with you. This is a big plus because your friends can help you train and prepare for the run!

Spend a day kayaking

Spending time on the water can allow for a new mindset and outlook on life. Kayaking can be a new, exciting way to work on arm strength and pick up a new hobby!

Go hiking and explore new areas

Do a little research and find local hiking spots that you have not explored yet. You will discover beauty close to home that you may have never discovered otherwise. Bring your hiking buddy and a phone along to take pictures! Your body and your Instagram feed are both benefitting from this exercise.

Take your pet for a walk

Dogs love to go for walks and so can you! Walking a pet can help you get into a routine. They will remind you to take them for a walk by grabbing the leash or letting you know! This is a great way to spend quality time with a pet and get in some cardio!

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