Choosing our path in life isn't an easy process. There are hundreds of roads to take that lead to hundreds of destinations, each one a little different than the rest. The journey is long, tedious and full of unexpected twists and turns, but along the way, we learn valuable lessons about sacrifice, friendship, loyalty, trust, heartbreak, love, passion and so much more.
Nothing is set in stone, and we aren't fortunate enough to have a map to guide us through it all, so it's easy to get lost on our journey and wind up somewhere we didn't even know existed. Sometimes, we get sidetracked to a destination that's beautiful and enriching, and other times, we get sidetracked to a train wreck that leaves nothing but destruction and despair in its wake.
Our journey through life will never be a straight line. There will never be a definitive start or finish line, and there aren't a series of checkpoints for you to reach in order to continue on. No one can tell you where to go next or what challenges lie ahead because the only person that can find out is you.
You are in charge of your own life. You are in charge of your own happiness. You are in charge of your journey.
There will be times when we question who we are and what we want in life. There will be times when we question our friends and our relationships. There will be times when we question our very existence. All of these questions have an answer, but we must be willing to put in the time and effort it takes to reveal them.
So pick and choose your battles but make each one count. Don't be bullied out of doing something you love, and don't let the fear of failing cloud your aspirations. Take a leap of faith every once in a while and treat every unexpected turn into a welcomed detour. Let the stars be your guide.
When you feel lost and hopeless, look to the sky for the lights that illuminate the darkness. When you can't see what lies before you, let the the stars that you can't see during the day be a reminder to you that even though you can't always see something before you, it doesn't mean it's not there. When you feel like one day, everything you've done will cease to matter, remember that even after a star has died, we may still see it shining bright in the night sky until the day we ourselves die.
There's an entire world out there that's simply waiting for you to discover it, but you don't have to travel the world to see it all. Your passions, your dreams, your hopes and aspirations, those are what make up the world that awaits you. The world that awaits is the one that you're creating for yourself, and if you allow the stars to guide you, you'll discover all of the treasure that await you.