Spring break is something we look forward to all year. The weather is warm, you get to spend time with friends, and you get well deserved time off from school when you need it most. If you've ever planned a spring break by yourself, you know it's easier said than done. Thankfully, it's all worth it in the end!
1. It's cold out, you have a ton of work to do, and you're dreaming of spring break
Nothing makes you want warm weather more than almost falling on ice every morning on the way to class.
2. You get excited about all the possible things you could do...
Will you go to the beach? The mountains? Somewhere warm, or somewhere cold? The possibilities are endless!
3. ...But you realize you need to talk to your friends and convince your parents before you start planning
The questions from your parents seem endless. You know they have your best interest in mind, but don't they know how much fun you'll have?! You're convinced you've never loved them more than the moment they said "yes".
4. You start envisioning what your trip will be like
Now that your trip is actually happening, your ideas get more concrete. But really, all you're thinking about is how much fun you're going to have with your friends.
5. Months pass, and you're too focused on school to have time to think about anything else
Occasionally you have time to day dream about your trip, but your thoughts are quickly broken when you realize you still have stats to study for.
6. You look at the calendar and realize how soon break is... but you haven't booked anything yet!
I'm sorry, you said spring break is in EIGHT DAYS???
How much is the ticket going to be? Are there still rooms available at the hotel I want? At this point, we are literally going to be sleeping on the street corner.
8. You frantically purchase plane tickets and hotels, coordinating with friends and hoping you're not forgetting anything major.
You're definitely forgetting something major, but whatever. You are a successful adult who has planned a whole trip!
9. Everything's organized and you're feeling really successful... Until you realize you booked a flight at an ungodly hour of the morning
Car picking you up at 3 am to catch your flight? Totally, no problem! I'll sleep when I'm dead.
10. Finally, the day has come. You board the plane full of excitement
Your fear of flying doesn't even phase you because you're running on pure excitement and adrenaline.
11. Your hard work has paid off and now the REAL adventure can begin
Best. Trip. Ever.