1. Woooo...DONE with Finals!! Finally summer!
2. Can't wait to go home and relax for a few weeks before my summer job or internship starts.
3. Get home for a few days and see your family and catch up on sleep and TV shows. Life is great!
4. But then you realize none of your friends from home are done school for another week or so...so you begin brainstorming ideas of how to keep yourself busy...maybe i'll take my dog for a long walk today?
5. Or maybe I will go out and tan by the pool or the beach. Oh wait, it is only the first week of May and it is still not that warm out...
6. Actually I should probably unpack all my stuff and get organized...
6. You begin to realize how much you are going to miss you're best friends from school.
7. And how long 4 months really is...
8. Memories of the last year begin to flood through your brain and your realize what an amazing year you had, and how excited you are to be able to go back to such a great place in a couple of months!